Social diversity brings growth to society and companies

Find out how this concept is also gaining importance in the business world and on iFood

Social diversity is the way in which society embraces multiplicity in its most different forms, in favor of common objectives for sustainable development. In addition to being a relevant topic in the world, it also plays an important role in iFood, aligning itself with the company inclusion goals.

And it is also an instrument of positive impact and social transformation with which iFood has promoted several programs and initiatives aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and with the guidelines of the Global Compact, a corporate sustainable development agreement, of which the company is a signatory. 

In this guide, we will talk about social diversity, its importance, its relationship with inclusion and culture and how iFood has promoted this value. 

First of all, let's understand what social diversity is

This term is used to describe the way in which a community, society or organization leverages diversity to achieve a common goal. 

A socially diverse community practices understanding and respect for different ideas and perspectives, welcoming everyone.  

Social diversity brings social progress to society because of the different ways in which we differentiate ourselves from each other. Plurality means development and expansion. 

Types of social diversity

There are different types of social diversity in the many sectors of life in society. Groups protected by law, such as indigenous peoples, are an example of social diversity in the country.  

See the three types listed in a Harvard Business Review article


Demographic diversity refers to identities of origin, that is, quantitative characteristics of the population, such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation and others. 


Experiential diversity is that which is related to our experiences, affinities, hobbies, skills and interests, which shape our emotional field. 


Cognitive diversity is linked to the way we deal with problems and how we think about things. 

Understand the relationships between diversity and social inclusion

Social diversity is an important part of social inclusion, through which it can fully develop in a society. 

Among people, companies or inclusive organizations, it is fully accepted, encouraged, welcomed, developed and maintained for the present and future generations. 

Diversity and inclusion go hand in hand for social and economic development, especially after the global crisis, which occurred after the Covid-19 pandemic around the world. 

What is the relationship between cultural and social diversity?

The relationship between cultural and social diversity is one of reciprocity, since the different elements of culture need a socially diverse space to exist. 

According to the Declaration on Cultural Diversity, cultural diversity is, for the human race, as necessary as biological diversity for nature.

In other words, the variety and differences between cultures are a source of exchanges, innovation and creativity when social diversity meets its full potential. 

How does iFood act in relation to social diversity?

iFood has goals to promote gender and racial diversity, as well as initiatives to promote the inclusion and empowerment of its employees.  

This commitment to diversity and inclusion has been recognized; an example is that, in 2022, the company received the Diversity in Practice award due to its Diversity and Inclusion actions. 

iFood has several diversity programs, in which it promotes, for example, greater inclusion of women, young people and black people in the job market. 

iFood currently has more than 5,000 employees and goal of ending the year 2023 with 50% of women in leadership positions (and 35% in senior positions) and with 30% of black people in leadership (and 40% of black employees).

Furthermore, the iFood signed the Racial Equity Promotion Pact —in 2020, the company had already signed the Female Empowerment Pledge of UN Women.

5 tips for investing in social diversity in companies 

Investing in social diversity in companies requires an effort from everyone, especially leaders, CEOs, managers, who have the mission of showing the importance of the topic. 

See below 5 tips on how to do this: 

  • Be aware of the political, cultural and religious biases of your employees and work to eliminate prejudice and discrimination. 
  • Promote pay equity. Research and analyze the salary differences and in which groups of employees they occur. 
  • Develop strategic training programs on diverse subjects such as cultural differences, identity, how to deal with conflicts, etc. 
  • Facilitate the participation of employees in groups that promote connection with different cultural expressions. 
  • Dialogue with the community, promoting debates, meetings, meetings and events of common interest.
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