How does the green economy work?

Discover what this concept means and learn how to put it into practice in companies

Green economy is a concept that is gaining more and more space in the media, in political decisions and in the strategies of companies like iFood, which has programs for this area. 

O global warming caused by climate change, the scarcity of natural resources and the changing consumption patterns demand a shift to a socially inclusive and environmentally responsible economy.  

Therefore, in this guide we present the concept of green economy, its origin, benefits, pillars and its role in the iFood business ecosystem. 

What is green economy?

This term refers to a type of economy whose objective is to promote the improvement of humanity's well-being, social equality and the reduction of environmental risks. 

A green economy is one that has processes with low carbon emission, efficiency in the use of resources, protection of biodiversity and social inclusion

In this model, the generation of employment and income must be linked to the maintenance, improvement and reconstruction of natural resources as a source of public benefits. 

Where did the green economy emerge?

The term first appeared in the reportthe Blueprint for a Green Economy, 1989, made by environmental economists for the UK government.  

Almost two decades later, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) launched the Green Economy Initiative, a response to the global economic crisis. 

The initiative aimed to accelerate economic growth and job creation in environmental industries, raising awareness of environmental degradation and loss of biodiversity. 

What is the relationship with the circular economy?

A circular economy It is one of the components of the green economy. 

Pillars of the circular economy, waste reduction and management are part of resource efficiency, one of the dimensions of the green economy.  

The circular economy consists of expanding the value chain to cover the entire product life cycle, from start to finish, involving all stages, from suppliers to sales. 

The circular economy business model promotes the reduction and reuse of waste, reuse of products, use of renewable energy and reverse cycles. 

See how the green economy works

The green economy can be promoted through different productive sectors and different sustainable practices, according to the document The Global Green New Deal, of the United Nations. 

Among the practices highlighted in the document are the energy efficiency of buildings, sustainable transport, sustainable energy, sustainable agriculture and techniques to make water use more efficient. 

In this sense, this green model covers the following sectors: renewable energy, such as wind and solar, clean transport, such as electric vehicles, and water, land and waste management. 

Green economy on iFood

At iFood, this concern is present on several fronts, from transportation to packaging. 

In 2022, 3 environmental initiatives were highlighted on iFood: the evolution of iFood Pedal, the launch of Electric motorcycle and the use of new sustainable packaging

During the year, one in every five orders was delivered by iFood in a non-polluting mode, such as bicycle, electric bicycle and electric motorcycle.  

Furthermore, through the sustainable delivery, more than 300 million orders were delivered without single-use plastic items, one of iFood Regenera's goals. 

5 benefits of the green economy for companies and society

This model brings numerous social, economic and environmental benefits to society, according to the document Towards a Green Economy, from UNEP. 

We selected 5 benefits for companies and society. 

Valuation and investment in natural capital 

O natural capital is everything that comes from nature and generates economic and social value for society, such as forests, lakes, basins, rivers, pastures, that is, ecosystems in general. 

The green economy invests and develops this natural capital so that there is sustainable economic progress in society. 

An example is reforestation, which brings economic and social benefits, supporting agriculture and the rural way of life. 

Poverty reduction 

The green economy aims to generate diverse opportunities for the economic development of needy communities without compromising the environment and local natural assets. 

Developing countries are home to small farms that can benefit from the green economy through sustainable practices such as resource conservation. 

Creation of jobs and improvement of social equality 

Investments in the construction, agriculture and transport sectors can boost job creation in these areas and improve living conditions. 

Furthermore, investments in reforestation and forest conservation can open up work fronts, especially in developing countries, improving income. 

Low carbon emission 

In this model, it is essential to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources and clean fuels, which results in low carbon emissions. 

In addition to low carbon emissions, investment in renewable energy presents economic opportunities.

Efficient use of resources and energy 

Recycling, waste management and waste-to-energy are economically profitable and environmentally responsible activities promoted by the green economy. 

Discover the pillars of the green economy

The pillars of this model are the well-being of humanity, social equality, reduction of environmental risks and ecological scarcity and resource efficiency. 

In other words, a green economy must be low in carbon emissions, efficient in the use of natural resources and socially inclusive. 

Growth and income generation must be driven by public and private investment that reduces pollution and prevents biodiversity losses 

Green economy in Brazil

Brazil could be a leader in this sector in the next eight years, as the report points out Amazon Marathon, from the Aya Earth Partners coalition.

According to the document, the country has the potential to generate economic value and lead the green economy through the socioeconomic and environmental development of the country. Legal Amazon.

Strategies for this growth are improvements in productivity in the food and land use sectors and decarbonization of energy and industrial sectors.  

Sustainability and green economy: understand the relationship

Despite being distinct concepts, sustainability and the green economy have a close connection, as sustainable development depends on a green economic model. 

In this sense, sustainability is an objective to be achieved in the long term that can only happen through green economy systems, such as low carbon emissions. 

5 tips for practicing the green economy in companies

Putting these concepts into practice requires simple and inexpensive, yet efficient, attitudes. We select on the website Green Economy Coalition  five accessible tips to follow in companies. 

  • Swap incandescent and fluorescent lamps for LED lamps, which are more durable and more energy efficient; 
  • Reduce the use of paper in prints and plastics, such as cups, and encourage the use of individual mugs made of materials such as metal and ceramic; 
  • When leaving the office, unplug devices. This measure helps to reduce electricity consumption;
  • Invest in low-flow faucets and water fixtures. This investment helps to reduce the volume of water used, which translates into savings for the company; 
  • Encourage and support the use of alternative and collective transport among employees.
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