Fabricio Bloisi is included in the Merco leader reputation ranking

CEO of iFood and Carlos Eduardo Moyses, corporate VP, are on the list published by the Corporate Reputation Business Monitor

iFood and two of its main executives, Fabricio Bloisi It is Carlos Eduardo Moyses, are on the list of the most admired in the country: the ranking of corporate reputation and leaders by Merco (Corporate Reputation Business Monitor).

In its 2022 edition, announced on March 9, the general ranking of the one hundred companies that have the best reputation in Brazil shows iFood in 26th place.

In turn, the ranking that shows the hundred leaders with the best reputation in the country has the CEO of iFood, Fabricio Bloisi, in 35th position on the list, and Carlos Eduardo Moyses, corporate vice president, who appears in 25th position. 

“The great importance of this award is the voluntary recognition of our brand by relevant executives and the market”, comments Regina Maia, director of institutional communications at iFood. 

“Despite being a relatively new company, we are recognized for our work, and this makes us want to be better and better for our partners, companies, the market and society”, he adds.

To remain in the top positions of this reputation ranking, iFood comes working more and more on your brand institutional, its values and its culture before all audiences that interact with the company, says Regina. 

“It is very important that everyone understand our culture, that they know our purpose and are together with us to build this brand.”

What are the ranking criteria?

The field research for this ninth edition of the Corporate Reputation Business Monitor was carried out in Brazil between July and December 2022, with more than 5,000 interviews.

The research methodology includes evaluations with 16 different groups/sources of information. The selection is based on an interview with members of senior management from companies with revenues exceeding US$ 40 million, who identify ten companies with the best reputation.

For each company chosen, respondents indicate three strengths and one weakness among 18 variables that consider economic and financial results, quality of the commercial offer, talent, ethics and corporate responsibility, international dimension and innovation. These attributes are used to profile the reputation of companies.

From this first list, interviews are carried out with several other groups, including the general population, financial analysts, NGOs, unions, consumer associations, economic journalists, university professors, government representatives and social media managers, in addition to an assessment of digital channels and social media.

In the final stage, the nominated companies themselves respond to an evaluation survey.

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