Fabricio Bloisi: the 5 principles of the iFood Management Model

The company's CEO explains the management model he applies to increase results

Do you want to know the iFood secret to grow quickly? Fabricio Bloisi, founder of Movile and president of foodtech, summarizes it in two main points: culture and the management model. At the third episode from the series “Recipe for the New Economy”, in iFood News channel on YouTube, it reveals the five principles of the management model that contribute to the company's success.

Dream big

Fabricio says that aggressive goals are set all the time at iFood to achieve good results. "Put a big dream In the management model, the company's performance increases because people start to believe that it is possible to do much more, they try harder and in the end discover that they could do more than they thought”, he says.

According to him, it is the role of leaders, the company and each area, to bring a really big dream that challenges the team to go further. At iFood, one of the strategies used is the dream wall: “Each person at iFood posts what their dream is and the date on which they will achieve it”, explains Fabricio. “Within iFood itself, our Big Dream, our purpose, is to feed the future of the world, and this impacts how we work all the time.”

Have few goals

For Fabricio, the most assertive way to achieve better results is to prioritize. “There is a basic rule that is 80/20: 20% of objectives generate 80% of results, the other 80% of objectives generate only 20% of results. We have to find out which 20% are the most important objectives and put all our energy into that.”

It’s not enough to just list what’s most important and set goals; you need to communicate what they are and make sure everyone is on the same page. This is one of the main strategies of the companies he heads.

“I believe that one of the reasons why both Movile and iFood deliver more results than the average company is because we always have the entire company, everyone, not the directors, not the VPs, everyone knowing: 'These are the five or ten objectives, and a lot of our energy is going there'”, adds the CEO.

Make responsibilities clear

Another very strong aspect of the company's culture is empowerment aligned with the sense of responsibility. “When we have a committee with 15 people deciding, everyone is a bit of a victim in the end and thinks it didn't work because the other person didn't help. Therefore, the third principle is: clear responsibilities with clear dates and clear objectives.”

In this context, iFood is not a company that decides things in large committees, with groups of many people. Fabricio explains that it is important to define those responsible who know the objectives and know how to direct them. “We always need to have groups that work together, but with a person in charge who has a clear objective, clearly measured, a clear date and a clear monitoring model.”

The CEO also talks about the importance of conflict, which is healthy for the advancement of projects and is part of people's involvement, but needs to be mediated by leadership. He gives a tip: “with clear responsibility there is also the leader's responsibility to not let the conflict last forever, encourage conflict, but reduce it after some discussion so that the company can move at speed”.

Hold follow-up meetings

In the fourth principle, Fabricio talks about the need for the Management Model to establish the company's operating system. He explains how this is put into practice at iFood: “We have a religious routine, of establishing an annual agenda that we call a monthly results meeting, where we bring the entire company together to say what worked, what didn’t. It worked, why and what is a priority.”

Communication and transparency are also strong points here. “In the results meetings, which are super disciplined, we clearly tell you what is going well and what is going wrong.”

Feed the culture of results

Creating a culture of results means recognizing people for their work and good performance. “It could mean promotion, it could mean bonuses, salary increases or stock options, but the main thing is: the company has to have a clear culture that people who deliver a lot of results gain more space and are always recognized”, highlights Fabricio.

According to the CEO, this recognition feeds the company so that it always opens up more spaces for people who really make a difference. “In addition to the iFood culture, it is the dynamics of the management model that makes us a company that continues to move forward, grow and improve”, he says.

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