National passion: iFood sponsors the Brazilian Music Award

Awards return with changes and will have Alcione as the honored artist

iFood will sponsor, for the first time, the Brazilian Music Award, one of the most traditional national music awards, which for three decades has stimulated musical production, revealed talent and promoted meetings and tributes to our greatest artists. 

This year, the ceremony will be held at the Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro on May 31st. And the honoree of the night will be the singer and multi-instrumentalist Alcione, one of the artists who have won the award the most, which is in its thirtieth edition. 

A award was created in 1987 by businessman José Maurício Machline when he was director of Sharp, the company that gave the event its name for many years. 

“Brazilian music has always been one of the strongest cultural expressions in the country, with a plurality of artists and genres that we only find in Brazil. She has always been able to unite generations, break down barriers and tell stories through different rhythms and artists”, says Regina Maia, communications director at iFood. 

“It is with great pride that iFood, a company that was born in Brazil, is sponsoring the Brazilian Music Award and being part of this special moment that marks the celebration of our artists and our music, this great national passion.”

New categories of the Brazilian Music Award

In 2023, the Brazilian Music Award had more than nine thousand entries to compete for 31 awards in ten categories. To present the ceremony, actor Lázaro Ramos and YouTuber Felipe Neto will take the stage.

To date, the artists who have won the most in this award are Maria Bethania, with 23 awards, Alcione herself, with 21, Caetano Veloso (19), Dominguinhos (18) and Elba Ramalho (18).

Alcione, in fact, received the news of the honor with great emotion. “The black woman’s heart couldn’t take it. I felt very happy for my entire family, for my state, Maranhão, for all my friends and people who think of me at this moment. It is a glory to be honored by the Music Award”, said the singer.

This year, the award will have some new features, such as changing the category from “Singer/Singer” to “Performer”, to include non-binary, female and male artists. The Pop/Rock/Reggae/Hip Hop/Funk category will now be called “Urban Music”. 

And the award for best DVD becomes “Best Audiovisual Product”, so that clips, projects for video platforms and music documentaries can also compete.

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