iFood goes to court to guarantee workers' flexible food rights, guaranteed by the new PAT

Victory for workers: Justice grants injunction that guarantees them the right to use the balances of food and meal vouchers in any way they wish.

iFood proactively went to court and obtained an injunction that guarantees workers the right to use food and meal balances, regulated by the Worker Food Program (PAT), in supermarkets and restaurants in the way that suits them. That possibility of choice – also called 'communication between food and meal balances' – was granted by the Ministry of Labor last year through the new PAT decree and has already been widely offered to workers by several benefit companies. The victory of iFood guarantees more practicality and ease for workers.

“The action seeks to provide legal certainty for a movement of market evolution and disruption created by companies in the new economy and accelerated with the modernization of the PAT (Worker's Food Program)”, says Lucas Pittioni, legal director at iFood.

He also highlights that the communicability processes between the exclusive benefits for worker food are in line with the new PAT decree and with good market practices. “We will continue to deliver the best experience to those who matter most to us: the worker, and the companies, through the HR areas”, says Pittioni.

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