iFood releases customer order retrospective in 2022

#MeusFoods2022 is now on the app and shows what each person ordered most during delivery during the year

Pizza, hamburger —or maybe a good meat dish? What do you think should be on your delivery retrospective list in 2022? Today (16/12) iFood released the My foods, a retrospective of the foods that Brazilians ordered most during the year.

Now, whoever accesses the application can access the #MeusFoods2022 function and check their personalized ranking of iFood. Additionally, results can be shared via social media and will be available until 6/1.

The list will contain data such as each person's most ordered dishes, their favorite restaurants and even how much time was saved in the kitchen during the year.

“MeusFoods is a celebration and aims to bring a new perspective to remember the delicious side of 2022 together with iFood”, comments Ana Gabriela Lopes, marketing director at iFood. “There’s nothing more fun than discovering your gastronomic adventures throughout the year, so you can start 2023 already planning to explore new flavors and experiences.”

How to see the iFood retrospective in the app

Anyone who has the iFood app installed, both on iOS and Android, can see their My Foods retrospective like this:

  • Open the application
  • On the home screen, click on “My Foods 2022”
  • Watch the broadcast of your retrospective.

In 2021, the most ordered foods on iFood there were hamburgers, beef, sandwiches and wraps. Will anything change in 2022? Follow the iFood News to find out, next week, who were the champions this year.

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