New PAT: technology and modernization in the use of meal and food vouchers

The new PAT (Workers' Food Program) will bring new rules for the use of meal vouchers and food vouchers -- find out what they are.

Workers will have more power of choice with changes announced by the new PAT government

The federal government announced yesterday (10/11) a simplification of labor standards, and one of the main changes is the modernization of the PAT (Worker's Food Program). In practice, this measure will change the way workers choose and use food and meal vouchers.

For those who receive the benefit, the changes in PAT will bring more freedom to choose where and how to eat. The new developments should also reduce bureaucracy in the possibility of acceptance in establishments, which tends to increase the opportunities for workers to use vouchers.

“We are completely in favor of modernizing the PAT because it brings the power of choice back to workers. Furthermore, it reduces fees and encourages greater competition between restaurants and markets, which will offer more competitive prices to attract more customers”, says Carlos Moyses, Corporate Vice President of iFood. The company actively participated in the public consultation to change this point in the legislation.


Furthermore, in 18 months, another new feature will come into force: the portability of food and meal vouchers. With this, workers will be able to choose which meal and food voucher brand they want to receive their monthly credits under. Currently, all employees receive vouchers under the banner chosen by the company they work for.

Another point that should change is that the meal voucher can also be accepted to order food in restaurants that only serve delivery (the dark kitchens), as well as in food trucks. “The number of chairs was one of the criteria that a restaurant had to provide to be included in the program. Now it is only necessary to check the CNPJ, CNAE and health surveillance”, points out João Sabino, director of Public Policies at iFood. The platform launched this year the iFood Benefits, which is on PAT.

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