What companies are doing to fight hunger

Even in a world with enough food to feed the entire population, hunger is still a reality: check out initiatives that seek to reverse this

How is it possible to end hunger in a world where there is no shortage of food? A Fast Company questioned several companies on this subject to understand how the private sector is helping to combat the problem of hunger and, thus, achieve one of the most important UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Gustavo Guadagnini, president of The Good Food Institute (GFI Brazil), the solution is to invest in alternative proteins, increasing the efficiency of the food production system. GFI creates solutions to ensure safe, quality food in sufficient quantity to feed the entire world. 

For him, the objective is to return to the use of natural resources from the production of animal protein for human consumption, providing more sustainable and safe eating habits.

Sodexo On-site Brasil said it was looking for solutions to reduce food waste. One of them is the Smart Kitchen, which makes preparation processes more efficient, making the most of natural inputs and resources.

The report also mentions Bayer, which signed the Zero Hunger Pledge and pledged to donate $160 million to help end global hunger by 2030. 

Furthermore, this commitment also encourages other food projects, such as local food security initiatives. This is the case of Regional Development and Action Company, (CAR-BA), which seeks to strengthen and expand the productive capacity of fruits and vegetables among family farmers in Bahia.

In order to provide grants to non-profit organizations, the AGCO Agriculture Foundation launched a selection process with funding proposals between US$ 20 thousand and US$ 300 thousand to support projects, initiatives and innovations that help farmers and communities promote agricultural practices that are resilient to climate change.

What about iFood shares?

To continue with the goal of feeding the future of the world, iFood understands that it is necessary to combat hunger and food insecurity. Therefore, the company supports initiatives and NGOs and promotes actions and donations to solve these problems.


iFood is the largest donation platform in Brazil, raising funds to support institutions such as Gastromotiva, Ação da Cidadania, CUFA, Gerando Falcões and Orgânico Solidário.

In 2021, R$ 11.5 million were raised in donations from platform users, R$ 4.5 million by partners and R$ 21 million donated by iFood itself. So far in 2022, R$ 5.4 million has been received by users.

Urban vegetable gardens

In schools and at iFood's own headquarters, in Osasco (SP), the company implemented urban gardens, which produce organic food, free from pesticides, and which feeds people in the region where it is produced.

So far, there are six active gardens, with the aim of promoting a healthy diet, with fruits and vegetables — foods that are not accessible to people from lower social classes.

More than 60 tons of food produced in the gardens have already been donated, impacting more than 20 thousand people with sustainable and inclusive production.

Everyone at the Table

Together with other companies, iFood is part of the coalition Everyone at the Table, which seeks to reduce the impacts of hunger in Brazil and work to reduce food waste by strengthening redistribution networks, raising awareness on the topic and encouraging a favorable environment for food donation.

In the first year of existence, the Todos à Mesa has already donated 6 thousand tons of food, an amount capable of supplementing the diet of 2.4 million people. The coalition also joined the Pact for 15% with Hunger, with the commitment to donate, every 15th of the month, from September to December, an additional amount of food in addition to the 80 tons per month already allocated to the movement's beneficiaries.

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