What is Total Experience, which focuses on top-notch service

Have you ever heard of Total Experience, or TX? Find out what this concept means and how it improves the experience of customers and company employees.

New concept expands satisfaction with the experience to include employees and customers

At New Economy, the competition to win the hearts of consumers is increasingly fierce — and to retain talent as well. To face these two challenges in one fell swoop, the strategy that has been attracting attention is Total Experience (or TX): the sum of user experience (UX), customer experience (CX) and employee experience (EX) with multiexperience (ME), which is the use of various points of contact to serve consumers.

This formula was created by the consultancy Gartner in 2020 and preaches that, instead of treating employee and consumer satisfaction separately, it is better to adopt an integrated strategy.

Another premise is to use technology to improve experiences throughout the entire journey: from the first contact, as a user, to the interaction, as a customer, with employees. Always using, of course, the multiexperience to offer a consistent experience across the website, mobile, app, store and other channels.

In this way, TX encompasses the company's experience as a whole, from the point of view of employees, consumers and users. For Gartner, the main challenge for companies is to take each area out of its box in the organization and outline a unified strategy that meets all these points.

To this end, TX seeks to identify where the user, customer and employee experience meet to find the best solutions. This convergence becomes even more important in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, as many people start to work from home and consume more products and services online.

In this scenario, many company operations (including customer service) became remote and virtual with the move from the office to the home office. Some businesses, in fact, announced that they will definitively adopt working from home — and must face the challenge of reconciling the customer satisfaction with that of employees in this new dynamic.

A solution proposed by TX is to use technology in favor of communication, both to connect employees who work in different locations and to serve the customer in the best way in the channel they choose to interact with the company.

One example given by Gartner is a telecommunications company that implemented a scheduling system using existing applications, offering users guidance through the process and leveraging location tracking to inform customers when they can safely enter the store while maintaining distancing. physicist.

Furthermore, to offer a good experience for both customers and employees, the company allows employees to use tablets to evaluate customers' devices, avoiding touching the device (and protecting everyone).

In other words: from now on it will be necessary to go beyond placing the consumer at the center of decisions from the company. To understand how to improve interaction with the public, it will be necessary to ensure that employees are satisfied and that technologies are unified to provide a top-notch experience for consumers.

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