Only 23% of Brazilian CEOs are active on Linkedin

Only 23% of CEOs of Brazilian companies are active on Linkedin — and iFood is among them, reveals a study carried out by a researcher at FGV. Find out more here.

Fabricio Bloisi, from iFood, is the exception and has the second largest number of followers

At least once a week, Fabricio Bloisi, CEO of iFood, post on your Linkedin profile news about iFood, the technology market or share what you have read that is interesting.

With his more than 120 thousand followers, he is the second most popular company president on Linkedin in Brazil, according to a survey published in the newspaper Valor Econômico.

Fabricio is an exception: only 23% of CEOs in Brazil publish content on Linkedin with regularity and relevance, points out one lifting made by Felipe Bogéa, postgraduate professor at FGV-SP (Fundação Getulio Vargas), through the agency F2F and FGV CEMD (Center for Digital Marketing Studies at FGV Eaesp).

“Since Abílio Diniz, former owner of Pão de Açúcar, was kidnapped in 1989, most company presidents have adopted a low profile life, with little exposure in the media”, assesses Felipe. “But the world has changed, and so have expectations on companies and their executives. People want more human companies. And nothing is more human than showing who is behind them, in their command.”

Felipe points out that the majority of workers and readers of financial news think it is important for CEOs to appear on social media. He mentions that 74% of people said they expect leaders of large companies to use social media to communicate, according to a survey carried out in 2021 by the Brunswick Group, an international public relations and corporate communications agency. And more than two-thirds of respondents said they would prefer to work at a company where the CEO uses social media.

His study shows that Brazilian leaders are, in fact, heading in the opposite direction. Among the CEOs of the 100 largest companies (according to the Valor Econômico newspaper ranking), 21.3% do not have a profile on Linkedin and 17.6% created a profile but do not post anything.

The advantage of activating networks

Cultivating visibility on social media, however, can improve the market's perception of a company. A survey carried out by Hootsuite (social media management website) shows that companies whose leaders are present on social networks are perceived more positively than those with inactive leaders. Another relevant result is that three out of four consumers think that a CEO's presence on social media makes the brand more trustworthy.

Having a presence on networks, according to Felipe, reinforces the organization's positioning and its values, in addition to giving more visibility to executives, who can use this medium to strengthen their personal brand. “Leaders who demonstrate their passion, putting their perspective forward, gain strength. Your reputation enhances the message and strengthens the brand.”

For him, CEOs still keep their distance from social media due to lack of time (as they do not consider this an essential action) or insecurity, because they are not familiar with these channels or fear of causing damage to the brand or generating a crisis.

Your tip for encouraging the most suspicious? “There is no formula, each CEO has to connect with their audience. It’s important to have frequency and original content”, ponders Felipe. “Using photos, 'emojis' and exploring the different formats of each network is always a good idea. Remember to tell stories, use simple and clear language.”

If you want to follow what iFood CEO, Fabricio Bloisi, shares on his social networks, just follow him on Linkedin, at the Instagram or in your new YouTube channel, where he Tell a little about your story in the first video and will talk about topics such as management and leadership, innovation, market trends and many other topics related to your life and work.

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