Pop-up restaurant celebrates launch of Arcane

To celebrate the launch of Arcane, Riot Games' League of Legends animated series on Netflix, a themed pop-up restaurant is temporarily available on the iFood app.

To celebrate the launch of Arcane, Riot Games' League of Legends animated series on Netflix, a themed pop-up restaurant is temporarily available on the iFood app.

With a special menu and exclusive gifts, the restaurant will operate from November 6th to 27th in regions of 50 cities distributed in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santos and Minas Gerais. All purchased combos come with gifts, which are unlocked in three acts, like the series.

The First Act runs from November 6th to 12th, with a fancard featuring Vi's art. The Second Act, from November 13th to 19th, with the Jinx character fancard. And it ends with the Third Act – Season Finale, from November 20th to 27th, with the distribution of an exclusive glass of Arcane.

Check out the list of participating cities and regions below.

São Paulo/Capital

Morumbi (SP)

Vila Mariana (SP)

Tatuapé (SP)

Tucuruvi (SP)

São Paulo/Coast

Cubatão (SP)

Caraguatatuba (SP)

São Vicente (SP)

São Paulo/Interior

Jundiaí (SP)

Vila Hortência (SP)

Mauá (SP)

Indaiatuba (SP)

Salto (SP)

Wanel Ville (SP)

Sumaré (SP)

Limeira (SP)

Hortolândia (SP)

Caieiras (SP)

Taubaté (SP)

Carapicuíba (SP)

Catanduva (SP)

Itu (SP)

Itapecerica da Serra (SP)

São João da Boa Vista (SP)

Itaquaquecetuba (SP)

São José dos Campos (SP)

Votorantim (SP)

São Bernardo do Campo (SP)

Ferraz de Vasconcelos (SP)

Taquaral (SP)

Rio de Janeiro

Araruama (RJ)

Cabo Frio (RJ)

Pacheco (RJ)

Jardim Primavera (RJ)

Maricá (RJ)

Possession (RJ)

Jardim Alvorada (RJ)

Vila São Luis (RJ)

Jacarepaguá (RJ)

Teresópolis (RJ)

Nilópolis (RJ)

Holy Spirit

Linhares (ES)

Vitória (ES)

Guarapari (ES)

Cariacica (ES)

Serra (ES)

Colatina (ES)

Minas Gerais

Araguari (MG)

Uberaba (MG)

Uberlândia (MG)

Betim (MG)

Vespasiano (MG)

Lavras (MG)

Governor Valadares (MG)

Manhuaçu (MG)

Find out how to participate in the promotion

What are the opening hours of the pop-up restaurant?
Stores may open at different times, depending on the city and region. To find out when the Arcane closest to you will open, just go to the app and click on the name of the restaurant, there you will have all the operating details of the unit that covers your region.

What are the freebies and how do I get them?
The First Act runs from November 6th to 12th, with a fancard with Vi's art; the Second Act from November 13th to 19th, with a fancard for the character Jinx; and ends with the Third Act – Season Finale, with the distribution of an exclusive glass of Arcane.

How can I get the Arcane+iFood cup?
From November 20th you will be able to search the menu for the combo that includes the glass. But be careful: there are few units and subject to stock availability.


Jabaquara (SP/Capital)
Carapicuíba (SP)
São Bernardo do Campo (SP)
Brasilândia (SP/Capital)
Tatuapé (SP/Capital)
São Vicente (SP/Baixada Santista)
Vila Mariana (SP/Capital)
Taquaral (SP)
Morumbi (SP/Capital)
São José dos Campos (SP)

My order came without a gift. What do I do?
When you realize that you received your order without the gift, contact the restaurant where you just placed the order via chat in the iFood app, present the evidence. Restaurants are advised to resend the fancard in case of failure to assemble the kit.

How long will the restaurant be open?
The restaurant will be available until the release of the third act, November 27th. After this date, some stores may remain open while supplies last.

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