Movement everyone at the table

iFood is a central piece in a food ecosystem that suffered major impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic. We understand our important role at this time and the responsibility to support all links in this chain.

Therefore, we accelerate the development of solutions to benefit this ecosystem.

How the movement came about

In this process, we received contact from companies from different sectors, who were also interested in helping and were looking for a way to operationalize their actions quickly and on a large scale.

That's when the idea of creating a movement arose so that other companies could contribute to our initiatives and more people could benefit.

Thus, we created Todos à Mesa. A solidarity movement between companies to raise resources to support vulnerable populations and people who are part of our ecosystem and partner companies.

The Todos à Mesa movement was born with the essence of collaboration and always being under construction, open to new ideas and supporters from all sectors of society, for the challenges of this moment and the future.

iFood, Coca-Cola Brasil, Copagaz, Unilever and Mastercard united to feed.

The first wave of the movement was aimed at donating food to homeless people and institutions such as Sefras, CUFA, InCor, as well as vouchers to encourage small and medium-sized restaurants.

A new request: speed up vaccination

In December 2020, we created a new wave of this movement to help vaccinate frontline professionals during the pandemic. And to start with, iFood is donating R$10 million and inviting other brands to donate to the cause.

For iFood, the focus is to support actions that accelerate the vaccination of delivery drivers, as another way to protect these professionals and their families, while helping to keep more people at home.

So, we are inviting companies from all sectors to mobilize for professionals who are part of their ecosystems and are also essential to society, especially in this time of pandemic.

How to participate

If you are interested in finding out more about the project and contributing in any way, write to and pull up a chair 😉


We create a table
That always grows
someone pulls out a chair.

A table that has a beginning
but there is no end.
Made to feed dreams
and people

At this table, there is always a place
for those who are hungry for food
or to help.

There's always a place at this table
for anyone who has ideas, suggestions,

We create a table
made by brands and people,
for today and for tomorrow.

If you are hungry to help,
Pull up a chair, join us.

Everyone at the Table.
United to feed.

Institutions already benefited

Sefra – Franciscan Solidarity Service. In the center of the city of São Paulo, Franciscan friars distribute meals daily to homeless people and socially vulnerable families. We donated more than 13 thousand meals in May and June 2020.

CUF – Central Única das Favelas. An internationally recognized organization of favelas throughout Brazil, CUFA has an important role in the outskirts. Donations cover communities in 17 states across the country in addition to the Federal District. More than 60,000 meals have already been donated to the institution.

InCo – Heart Institute of the USP Hospital das Clínicas, a national reference in health. We support more than 80 healthcare professionals in the fight against Covid19. More than 2,200 meals were donated to the institute.

And we also support institutions in our host cities.

In Osasc we support two Reception Services for vulnerable people. Around 3,000 meals were donated to the institution from June to July 2020.

In Campina we support SETA – Sociedade Educativa de Trabalho e Assistênci, which serves needy families in the Jardim Guaraçaí neighborhood. More than 3,300 meals were donated to the institution from July to July 2020.

To find out about all the measures already adopted by iFood: Click here

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