A #QuartaDoBem that is valid for the whole week!

Today there is a scholarship, an emotional tweet and a support point for delivery drivers

Do you think Wednesday is more like Tuesday or is it almost in the spirit of Friday? For us, Wednesday is simply it: a day of good and good vibes.

So, to liven up this day even more, the iFood News delivers a #QuartaDoBem full of cool news.

There's a scholarship from Potência Tech, an emotional tweet with the biography of the iFood delivery people and support points to recharge your batteries. Happy #WednesdayGood to us! 

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Fly that you have a scholarship in tech!

Let's learn technology? The Potência Tech program is loaded with scholarships for Escola da Nuvem.

Registration is only open until the 18th of this month. Fly there's time! The vacancies are for AWS re/Start. And unlimited! register here

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More scholarships? Come and have it!

Generation Brasil is also open for applications for scholarships through Potência Tech. 

Until September 20th, it is possible to register for 120 places in an intensive bootcamp in Full Stack Java Web Development. 

People in situations of economic vulnerability and diversity groups have preference.

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Have you seen the delivery guys’ bios?

It's great when we can get to know the person who delivers our delivery order better. 

Now this opportunity arrives along with the order: in the app, you can check the personal interests and life goals of the delivery person, 

And these biographies have already moved many people, as you can see in this tweet.

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Strategic stop: iFood has more than 700 support points

When it's time to recharge your energy or cell phone battery, drink water or go to the bathroom, the delivery man or woman makes a stop at one of the iFood support points. 

There are now more than 700 of these spaces in 13 cities in Brazil. 

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#DicadoBem: against the scam, pay through the app

Are you going to pay for your order by card and don't want to run the risk of falling for the machine scam? 

So, the best thing to do is pay through the iFood app. It is the safest way to make the transaction.

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