5 steps to choose the perfect packaging for delivery

Good packaging builds customer loyalty. To get there, find out the five criteria for choosing the perfect packaging for delivery.

A tip: the more practical and sustainable it is, the better for the restaurant

In the world of delivery, the saying that “the first impression is the last impression” is very true. After all, the first contact that the customer has with the restaurant where they placed the order is the packaging that arrives at their home.

Hence the importance of choosing one that meets all consumer expectations. “An excellent delivery goes beyond the dish”, says Renan Serrano, packaging coordinator at iFood. “Packaging is an important factor for those who want to win over customers with an experience as good as the salon, as it shows care.”

When the dish arrives sealed, hot and on time, the restaurant rises in the public's opinion. The packaging even gets points if it's beautiful — and it can become a marketing tool—, but before that it must be practical, functional, safe and sustainable, says Renan, who lists, below, the five steps to choose the perfect packaging for delivery.

Think about practicality

When choosing packaging, choose those that are most practical for your operation — even better if it is “wild card”, that is, it holds different foods. “The packaging has to be easy to use in the kitchen”, points out Renan. “Ask the supplier for samples and test it in practice.”

Anyone who has coxinha, esfiha and pie on the menu, for example, should not have a type of packaging for each savory snack. “The operator can get confused and delay the process. Ideally, the same packaging should be used for all these savory snacks”, says Renan.

Check food safety

Make sure that the packaging supplier has all the necessary food safety certifications to produce and sell the product and uses materials regulated by Anvisa for contact with food.

Another important point, says Renan, is to check that the packaging is well sealed and ensure that no one can have contact with the food after it is sealed in the restaurant.

Study the temperature

A big pain in the delivery market is getting the dish hot (and the fries crispy) to the customer's home. Evaluate the packaging material and its thermal properties to see if it is capable of maintaining the temperature of the dishes offered during delivery. “When the food arrives hot, without sauce leaking, the chances of the customer leaving a good review of the restaurant on the app increase”, says Renan.

Assess whether it is sustainable

The ideal is to work with biodegradable or compostable packaging. When this is not possible, Renan recommends using the three Rs rule to choose the most sustainable options: reduction, reuse and recycling.

The less waste is generated and the more materials can be reused and recycled, the better. Before choosing, check whether there is legislation in your city that restricts the use of any material (in the city of São Paulo, for example, it is prohibited to use disposable plastic utensils).

Calculate the cost/benefit

The packaging can be elaborate (like personalized ones), but without being exaggerated. According to Renan, ideally the packaging cost should not exceed 6% of COGS (Cost of Goods Sold). “Personalizing the packaging is an investment in marketing, but it should not affect the price of the meal to avoid causing losses to the restaurant”, he states.

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