What does iFood offer to partner restaurants?

Discover the benefits that entrepreneurs can access to improve their operations and grow on the app

Restaurants are fundamental partners for iFood: the platform has more than 300 thousand establishments registered in 1,700 municipalities. Therefore, when a restaurant joins the app, it not only gains visibility and reach among the brand's 40 million customers, but also has resources to grow and sell more.

This is because iFood uses technology to provide training to entrepreneurs and their employees and offers tools to improve their day-to-day operations (such as help with financial management and monthly classes). 

The company also invests in dialogue with restaurants, which is why it created the Restaurant Forum to continue improving the app's tools and functionalities — and developments can be followed on the Continuous Improvement Space.

Do you want to know what iFood offers to partner restaurants? Discover some initiatives dedicated to them below.

iFood Takes Off

O iFood Takes Off for Restaurants brings content to train, free of charge, entrepreneurs and establishment employees and help them boost their businesses through education. 

More than 31 thousand partners have already certified in at least one of these courses and education tracks, which cover topics such as finance, sales, how to operate on iFood, creativity and innovation, among others in quick programs that can be carried out via cell phone, tablet or computer.

Smart Guide

A Smart Guide is an iFood solution that recommends improvements and, thus, helps restaurants improve their performance on the platform. Based on the analysis of statistics and data, the system suggests what can be done to improve performance, interpreting the situation of each establishment to set objectives and enhance results.

Order Manager

It is a tool for restaurants to receive and manage orders that their customers place through the iFood app. Thus, it facilitates and organizes the work operations of restaurants. 


This program recognizes partners that offer the best experience for consumers. Those who achieve this status can stand out on the app through an exclusive badge.

In addition to generating more visibility, Super expands sales opportunities, receives points to exchange for rewards and receives discount coupons at the iFood Shop, among other benefits. 

iFood Shop

O iFood Shop is the shopping platform that serves iFood partner restaurants. In this virtual store, 900 suppliers are available, offering more than 30 thousand products for the operation of these establishments, such as drinks, packaging, ingredients and others.

Digital Account

A Digital Account is a bank through which restaurants receive iFood payments, which are made weekly. This account also has benefits such as credit with exclusive rates, receiving payments within a week, iFood Facilita Card (with debit mode), bill payments and transfers, including via Pix.

Easy Delivery 

That is a service which helps partners deliver all the orders they usually receive through other sales channels (such as telephone, social networks and other delivery apps). In this case, partners only pay the delivery price, without commission and monthly usage fees.

Delivery security 

Created in 2021, this service seeks to prevent delivery fraud. With it, partners can request delivery confirmation from customers, either using couriers available through iFood, or using other logistics solutions not linked to iFood.

Reporting channel 

To provide more security to establishments, iFood provides a tool to report customers who engage in allegedly irregular conduct (which violates the platform's Terms and Conditions of Use).

Restaurant Forum

Created in March 2022, the event expands the avenues of rapprochement, dialogue and transparency with more than 300 thousand restaurants partners. Every month, owners of these establishments meet to create action plans with iFood to improve the app (check out here more information about new classes).

One of the results of these meetings is the Continuous Improvement Report, which gives visibility to the projects proposed by restaurants, indicating the prioritization of themes and pointing out test and implementation updates.

After listening to the restaurants, the Continuous Improvement Agenda was established, which is divided into areas such as Cancellation, Super Restaurants, Financial Screen, Service, Promotions, Communication and Order Manager.

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