Clarification Note

CEO of iFood speaks about the article published by Folha de S.Paulo on February 18, 2024

In relation to the article entitled “In ten years, no one will cook anymore, says president of iFood”, published by Folha de S.Paulo on February 18, 2024, I would like to clarify that I do not believe that no one will cook in ten years.

There is a tendency for people to cook less food at home and order more food cooked outside. In Brazil, delivery penetration increased from 80% in 2020 to 89% in 2022, according to consultancy Kantar. This change in behavior already appears on the list of most requested items on iFood. In 2023, lunch boxes were the most requested on the app.

Even with the popularization of delivery, we don't believe that people will stop cooking.

We clarify this, as the title of the article may convey a misinterpretation and was not said by me. Despite the issue surrounding the title, the body of the article perfectly reflects what I think.

Fabricio Bloisi

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