3 security tips to protect your iFood app

Find out how you can avoid scams by applying simple measures to use the app in the safest way possible

iFood values the security of its entire ecosystem, which involves customers, delivery people and partner establishments. Therefore, the company adopts security measures to protect customer data (like the cards used for payment). 

Even with all this care, frauds and scams may occur due to other people's bad intentions. To prevent this from happening, the CX (customer experience) team reveals three security tips for customers on the iFood app. 

Do not share data

The codes that are sent to your cell phone or email are yours alone. It is important not to share this information with anyone else to avoid being the target of scams. 

Update the app

Keep your iFood app always up to date. This is good practice not only for continue receiving promotions and information about your order, but also to reinforce the security of the app. The more recent your update, the safer your device will be. 

Eye on verified badge

Finally, don't be fooled by fake profiles on social media, which have no authentication. If one of these profiles asks for your data, do not share it. Remember that all iFood profiles on social media have the verified seal!

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