How to save on the market? See 10 practical tips for your daily life

Shopping doesn't have to be a challenge: with good tips, you can buy what you like without paying so much!

Shopping time is usually decisive for Brazilian families' finances, since the dilemma is: how to save money at the market without failing to buy the things we like?

With so many options for ingredients, hygiene products and home cleaning items, it's very easy to get lost and spend a lot more than we need!

The task of going shopping is frequent and necessary — but it can be heavy on your pocket if it is not done properly, with the necessary planning.

The secret is to hold the fair in a conscious and intelligent way, to save money, time, and also avoid waste at home.

For this, having some good tips on hand is an excellent help, right? iFood is here to be your partner when shopping!

We've put together 10 good tips on how to save money at the grocery store for you to apply to your next purchases — which you can do, of course, on the iFood app.

Follow below and enjoy reading!

Read too: 

After all, how can you save money on the market?

Yes, it seems that we always need to rethink the purchase of some items when going to market: it's the tomato that increases in price, an out-of-season fruit that becomes more expensive, one or another imported product that we really want to try...

Shopping demands logistics and attention even to the news: for this year, in fact, the food prices have already risen more than double inflation, with beans, potatoes and carrots rising above 10%.

To find out how to save money on your monthly purchases and reduce supermarket spending, we've put together 10 good tips that will change your relationship with the monthly or weekly market — which doesn't have to be a headache!

1. Create a shopping list

One of the best ways to save money at the grocery store is to make a shopping list before leaving home: this helps you avoid impulsive purchases and ensures that you only buy what you really need.

Start by writing down the items you need to buy, taking into account your planned meals for the week and your family's needs.

Do you have children at home? School snacks need to be on the list. Do you have that athletic profile and follow a dietary schedule? Be sure to write down the main items that are part of your diet.

Also, it's worth checking the items you already have at home to avoid duplicate purchases and ensure conscious consumption.

2. Search for markets in the region

Before going shopping, do some research on the markets in the region to find the best prices and promotions. 

Here, be sure to compare the available options and choose those that offer the products you need at the most affordable prices.

iFood helps you with this part of the process: with the app, you browse the main markets near your home and choose the best promotions!

3. Choose alternative brands and products

Consider the possibility of opting for alternative brands and products that offer a good value for money; It is not always necessary to choose the most expensive brands to obtain quality.

Try generic or private label brands on the market, which tend to be more economical without compromising quality.

Compare the price per kilo or per unit of different brands and choose the one that offers the best value for money.

4. Avoid shopping at peak times

Como diminuir os gastos com supermercado?

When the market is busier, our tendency to want to buy everything we need right away, wait in line and go home quickly is normal — and this is where the danger of impulsive purchases lies.

By choosing quieter times to go shopping, you can buy your items more calmly and stay focused on the list you made in advance.

5. Make a weekly meal plan

Having a well-defined meal routine helps avoid food waste and unnecessary purchases, and a meal schedule for the week can be very useful.

By knowing exactly what will be prepared for each meal, you can buy only the items you need, reducing extra expenses.

6. Always keep an eye out for flash offers and special promotions

Every market offers promotions throughout the week in addition to typical days such as “Green Tuesday” or “Meat Thursday” — and, with these flash offers, it is possible to save a lot on some items!

These promotions typically offer significant discounts on selected products for a limited period.

With the iFood app, it's even easier to take advantage of these offers: we send you a notification whenever there is free delivery and promotions in markets in your region.

7. Avoid impulse purchases!

Stay focused on your shopping list and avoid unplanned impulse purchases; This helps you reduce unnecessary expenses and maintain control over your finances.

Don't go shopping hungry as this can lead to excessive and impulsive shopping!

Also, avoid walking through aisles or sections of the market that contain products that are not on your list.

8. Buy in larger quantities

In some cases, buying in larger quantities can be more economical, especially for non-perishable and frequently used products: three deodorants for the price of two? It could be a good thing!

Check if there are discounts or promotions for purchasing in volume and evaluate whether it is worth purchasing in larger quantities.

9. Use discount coupons and loyalty programs

como economizar fazendo compras no mercado

Take advantage of discount coupons offered by some markets and establishments to save on purchases. 

Additionally, participate in loyalty programs that offer discounts, points or gifts depending on your accumulated purchases.

With iFood Mercado, you always have discounts at markets near you, to save on purchases and close the month with your finances under control.

10. Take advantage of discounts on products close to expiry date

This is a common market strategy: items that are close to their expiration date go on sale, a last chance to use them before being discarded due to their expiration date.

Therefore, always be aware of products close to their expiration date that are at a discount!

Check that these products can be consumed within the deadline and take advantage of the discounts offered.

Useful tips to save on your monthly purchase

By planning your purchases in advance, researching prices and using different apps and tools, you can make purchases without spending a lot and maintain the quality of the products you consume!

To make even smarter purchases, check out other useful tips:

How to find supermarkets on offer?

Many supermarkets advertise their offers and promotions on their social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, as well as on their official websites: follow the pages and visit the supermarket websites to stay up to date with the latest promotions.

Furthermore, you can access the markets and supermarkets section on offer in the iFood app: a space in the app that only shows establishments with the best deals near your home. The best way to take advantage of the markets on offer!

It is also worth checking supermarket promotional inserts and leaflets, which are generally available online or distributed in physical stores. In these materials, you will find the week's offers, featured products and special promotions.

Is it better to buy weekly or monthly?

The ideal frequency for shopping, whether weekly or monthly, depends on several factors, such as family size, available storage space, meal planning and time availability. 

Monthly shopping is ideal for families who have enough storage space to stock non-perishable foods and regularly used items; Still, there is the time-saving advantage, as you will need to go to the supermarket less frequently.

However, by shopping weekly you can ensure that fresh produce such as fruit, vegetables and dairy products are always in good quality.

Some families choose to combine both methods, shopping weekly for fresh produce and shopping monthly for non-perishable and bulk items.

The best strategy depends on what works in your home: the important thing is to find a balance that works for you and your family, ensuring you have fresh food, variety, budget control and reduced waste.

What is the best day of the month to buy at the market?

como economizar nas compras do mês

Many supermarkets offer special promotions and discounts on specific days of the week or month, so check if there are special discount days or seasonal promotions that can benefit your shopping.

Some people prefer to shop towards the end of the month, as this is when many supermarkets offer discounts on products close to expiry date or end-of-month promotions to clear stocks.

Therefore, there is no one day of the month that is universally considered the best for shopping in the market, as it can vary according to the pricing policy, promotions and personal availability of each person.

Order now through iFood Mercado and receive your purchase in minutes!

Now you know how to save money when shopping at the market!

With a little planning and strategy, it is possible to save on everyday purchases without compromising on the quality of the products. 

By creating a shopping list, researching local markets, comparing prices and avoiding impulse purchases, you will be on the right path to saving and maintaining a balanced budget. 

Small changes in shopping habits can make a big difference in your finances in the long term — and you can count on iFood to be your shopping partner.

The iFood app presents the best offers in markets close to your home, in addition to offering the functionality of Market List: add the items you need, customize however you want and receive your purchases in minutes!

Oh, and if you happen to forget something after you've already placed the order, now in the app you can add more items directly on the tracking screen: making your purchases easier.

Order yours market delivery with iFood to save time and money with your purchases!

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