3 tips to avoid leaving the delivery man waiting at the door

Kindness tip: find out how you can make life easier for those who are bringing your order

Not keeping the delivery person waiting is very important, as they, like everyone else, have their “runs” to do.

The difference is that, as your job is to move around the city to bring warm meals and snacks (or even last-minute shopping) to people's homes, every minute is precious to make more deliveries and increase your earnings.

Therefore, the first of the kindness tips that iFood brings in a series of short videos (watch the first one below) is to not leave the delivery person waiting when he arrives with your order.

Take the opportunity to find out: do delivery drivers receive 100% in tips?

Often, this happens without us realizing it. “As the service is too practical for the customer, they end up doing other things while waiting for the order and don't even remember to check their cell phone to see if the delivery person is arriving”, says delivery man Kelvin Clay, who works in Manaus (AM ).

He remembers a day when he had to wait for a customer to finish taking a shower before receiving the order. “These delays end up wasting our gain of the day”, he highlights.

Kelvin says he developed a tactic to avoid this long wait. “When I go to the delivery address, I ring the customer’s cell phone so they can keep an eye on the device.”

Kelvin was creative to resolve the issue, but there is no need to wait for the delivery man to call to receive it without delay. In fact, just follow these three very simple tips.

What to do to avoid keeping the delivery man waiting

Check out some tips to avoid keeping delivery drivers waiting:

Track your order on the app map

To track your order and receive delivery without delay, simply to accompany your route using the map in the app. 

When you see that the delivery man or woman is already arriving, be ready to pick up the order without delaying the delivery. workflow his or her. 

Leave your slippers ready

Not everyone goes to the shower while waiting for their order, but there are people who only realize at the last minute that they need to change their clothes or put on flip-flops or shoes to pick up their order.

To avoid last minute rush (and delays), the tip is to be ready, with shoes and everything, to receive the order as soon as the delivery man or woman arrives.

Look at the key!

Another mishap that can keep the delivery person waiting is forgetting where the keys are and only going out looking when the intercom or doorbell rings. 

To top off the kindness tips, just leave the locksmith on hand in advance to speed up delivery.

These are small gestures, but they make all the difference!

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