iFood provides 200 technology grants for women and delivery drivers

Of the total vacancies open, 120 are for black and trans women; and 80 destined exclusively on iFood for delivery people 

São Paulo, July 2022

With the aim of stimulating training in technology and, at the same time, promoting social inclusion in the job market, iFood offers 200 scholarships on the Potência Tech platform.

The company's initiative focuses on education and employability for low-income people or underrepresented groups in society.

Thus, in the total number of vacancies, 120 are aimed exclusively at black and trans women, within Todas em Tech, a project carried out in partnership with {reprograma}, a social impact initiative, and the BID Lab (Innovation Laboratory of the Grupo Banco Interamericano of development).

The other 80 open scholarships will form, for the first time, an exclusive class for iFood delivery partners, in partnership with Cubos Academy. 

“iFood has been investing in training people belonging to underrepresented groups in society, such as black women and low-income people. Now, for the first time, Potência Tech opens an exclusive class for delivery people in the technology area. Our aim is to increase the supply of qualified professionals. As well as boosting plurality in the tech universe and offering the possibility of other paths to partners who so wish.” Comments Luanna Luna, education manager at iFood.

Therefore, for women, the opportunities are for online back-end and front-end programming courses. The Todas em Tech project, by {reprograma}, sponsored by iFood, Accenture, Creditas, Meta and Nubank, will target cisgender and transgender women, over 18 years old and in situations of social, economic and gender vulnerability.

We will allocate at least 55% of vacancies to black women and 5% to transgender and transvestite women, as a way of reversing the low representation of these groups in the market. To participate, you must fill out an form until the day June 27th

In order to further value and encourage the development of delivery partners, iFood allocates 80 scholarships to this audience for back-end training. To apply for the scholarship you must be over 18 years old, have completed high school, have been registered as an active iFood delivery partner for at least three months and have not previously received iFood scholarships for technology training. Classes will be remote and divided into theoretical and practical training. To the registrations can be done until the day July 17th.  

“Our specialty and objective is to transform lives through education. For Cubos Academy, it is a pleasure to be able to train these new professionals and promote, together with iFood, this training with great potential for transformation. After all, the IT market has an average annual growth of more than 180%'', explains José Messias Junior, CEO of Cubos Academy. 

Through the Potência Tech platform, iFood has already made more than 6.2 thousand bags available. Some delivery drivers were included.

As is the case of Daniel Silveira, who despite working as a delivery man for the iFood, has always been interested in technology, but thought he wouldn't be able to get into this career.

Until one day he received a message from iFood to the delivery drivers informing him that scholarships for training in tech were open. He was 38 years old and couldn't imagine a change like that at that point.

That's how he studied programming and, after graduating, the opportunity to work in this area at the company arose. “Being a delivery driver is a good job. I met people who had been on the street for 5 years, but I already felt like I didn't want to do that forever”, he says. 

Later this month, iFood will open another 1,700 scholarships in partnership with ONE – Oracle Next Education within Potência Tech, for underrepresented and low-income groups. To follow the opening of vacancies, simply access the Potência Tech website, at link.

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