iFood promotes a listening event for delivery drivers in RJ

For the first time in the capital of Rio de Janeiro, the Voz dos Entregadors meeting hears demands and suggestions from partners in the region

A new encounter Voice of the Deliverers It was held on September 21st, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. At the event, iFood interviewed 45 delivery drivers, with the aim of dialoguing with partners and seeking new directions to improve day-to-day work, taking into account the specific contexts of each city or region.

The listening event in the Rio de Janeiro region is part of a series of meetings with delivery drivers planned for this year. Until now fconversations held in 20 cities, in the five regions of the country, in which more than 600 delivery drivers had their demands heard by iFood representatives. The event proposal is aligned with the company's commitment to promoting a active listening the demands of delivery men and women.

How does Voz dos Entregadors work?

For these meetings, iFood seeks to create the most diverse forum possible. Deliverers are selected by iFood according to criteria such as: length of partnership with the platform, delivery evaluation and diversity. Bringing delivery drivers from different regions of the city into conversation and mixing those who dedicate many hours to deliveries on the platform with others who do so for a shorter period of time is also a concern to ensure a real and consistent experience of the partnership experience. 

The dynamics of the meeting work based on direct conversations between delivery drivers and iFood representatives, in which the main criticisms, questions and demands of partners in that region are exposed. Based on this dialogue, suggestions are forwarded by the company to those responsible for each topic proposed at the meetings.

Ensuring adequate driving and promoting a safe environment, so that delivery people feel comfortable, is a necessity for the success of the event. Therefore, iFood brought the support of a consultancy specialized in mediation — Vedas 17, which acts autonomously and independently in the listening process. “Our concern was to be able to provide space for 100% of the delivery partners present to express their opinions and ideas”, comments Andrea Lima, one of the meeting’s mediators.

Experience lived in practice

An iFood delivery partner for two years, Renan Silva decided to participate in Voz dos Entregadors as he saw the event as an opportunity to express his demands. “I believe that this event will hear our voice and could bring improvements to delivery drivers, with support, or in relation to fees”, he comments. Now that he has a young daughter, Renan explains that one of his priorities is to take a break during work to see her. This also motivates him to seek what he believes are the best working conditions for him.

Gilson da Costa, who has worked as a delivery man for seven years (and for iFood for two), jokes that he is a “pandemic delivery man” because he started on the app after losing his job in April 2020. For him, the meeting was important because it is “a way for us to be heard, to have contact with people from the company live, and not just over the internet. This eye to eye makes a lot of difference, it's closer contact. This presence is very important”, says the partner.

In addition to the listening moment, so that delivery drivers can present their criticisms, demands and suggestions, iFood also presents some educational opportunities it offers partners. Regarding this benefit, Gilson has already shown interest in signing up for one of the courses in partnership with Sesi. “I know they give strength to those who want to open a business, so I’m thinking about taking a course there”, he explains.

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