iFood holds a meeting with 40 delivery drivers in the state of SP

Initiative brought together delivery drivers from Campinas and Barueri to discuss actions that could benefit the platform’s partners

The meeting reinforces the company's commitment to bringing the company closer to delivery drivers

This week, iFood brought together couriers from Campinas (SP) and Barueri (SP) with representatives from the delivery company to discuss and understand the opportunities that can improve the platform and provide greater quality to the work of these professionals. Called “Voz dos Entregadors”, the program is bringing together reports from partners to create a direct and legitimate dialogue channel with the category. In the cities of São Paulo, the meetings opened the doors to direct contact with 40 delivery drivers from the municipalities.

The meetings are also opportunities for iFood to present a little more about the various efforts it has been making for its delivery partners, such as new insurance coverage and actions to increase the security of delivery drivers' accounts. 

This year alone, there were 8 regional meetings that brought together more than 260 couriers who are generating income through the platform on a daily basis. By September, iFood should visit another 12 cities in different regions to listen to partners and share some of the initiatives created to improve the experience of delivery people on the platform. Voz dos Entregadors is the result of the first Delivery Workers Forum, held in December 2021, the first event held in the sector throughout Latin America. 

“This moment of dialogue with our delivery partners is essential for us to fulfill our purpose of providing more transparency to our relationship. In addition to listening, it is also an opportunity to show some of the solutions designed to improve the delivery person's experience on the platform”, highlights Juliana Carmo, logistics coordinator at iFood, who was present at the various listening meetings held throughout Brazil.


“I think it’s extremely important. There is a very marginalized view of delivery people. I think this event is important, because we need someone to listen, we need someone to listen to us. For me, this event was super important because of the issue of being heard”, says Sandra Pinheiro da Silva, a delivery person participating in the Voice of the Entregadores event in Campinas – SP.

“[The event] shows that iFood is paying attention to us, understand? It shows that they are giving us the opportunity to express ourselves. We don't have this opportunity, it's all through the app. When you invite me, I never came, but when I received the invitation I was super happy. This shows that you are paying attention and are seeing our performance and our work”, explains José Esmael de Lima da Silva, delivery driver participating in the Voice of Delivery Drivers event in Campinas – SP.

“I thought [the meeting] was sensational. It opens doors for improvements, so we are very satisfied”, highlights Júlio Cesar Augusto, a delivery man participating in the Voice of Delivery Workers event in Barueri – SP.

About Voice of Deliverers

Voz dos Entregadors has delivery drivers who have shown interest in participating and the selection for available vacancies uses criteria such as length of partnership with the platform, evaluation of deliveries and diversity – in order to guarantee a real and consistent experience of the partnership experience with the iFood. In the Campinas and Barueri editions, delivery people from the Logistics Operator (OL) and cloud modalities were present.

Listening meetings are occasions that allow delivery people and iFood representatives to have a direct conversation about the main issues in each region. After the conversations, the iFood areas responsible for each topic will forward these suggestions with the aim of achieving further improvements.

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