iFood reinforces actions to promote the safety and well-being of delivery people and customers

Identity authentication technologies are reinforced and the company launches the #EntregadoresReais campaign with the aim of reinforcing communication with partners and society regarding delivery drivers 

As a Brazilian company and aware of its role in generating the best experience for its entire ecosystem, iFood has been proactive in validating the identity of its delivery partners and advancing dialogue with residents and consumer associations to protect and ensure the work of real delivery people who work on the streets. 

Among the measures to contribute to safety, foodtech leader in Latin America reinforces one of its most important security procedures: OCR check, technology that allows you to check whether the person in the photo is the same person as the document presented. Furthermore, to guarantee the legitimacy of the data provided by delivery people during the registration stage on the platform and allow them to continue generating gains for their families and society, the process and validation of personal information provided by the delivery person were also reinforced. 

Today, iFood carries out three analyzes for release on the platform, so that there is no misuse of accounts. Periodically, a facial recognition tool is activated as an additional security measure to protect the delivery person on our platform and prevent account rental and borrowing.

“iFood has 200 thousand delivery people, some who live exclusively from delivery and others who use the platform to supplement their income. They are doing their work honestly to bring income to their families. It is very important to distinguish these professionals from criminals who take advantage of the image of delivery people. We will not allow this profession to be further marginalized. iFood wants Real Deliverers to be easily identified to prevent and hinder any attempt to use the category's image that could harm them”, says Claudia Storch, Logistics Director at iFood.

iFood is running communication campaigns for delivery partners to help with safety. Furthermore, the company carries out studies to make changes to its bags in order to make counterfeits and misuse more difficult. Warnings will also be reinforced about the risks of borrowing accounts, an attitude that is prohibited in the application and can result in unsubscription from the platform. For the safety of delivery people and access to the insurance protection that iFood offers, it is essential that each delivery person uses their own account.

“iFood works closely with real delivery people and also has the support of these partners, who need to use their registration on the platform responsibly. Not lending or renting your account and following the platform's other terms of use are essential good practices”, reinforces Claudia. 

In addition to these actions, iFood reinforces that in the Delivery Driver App there is a Reporting Channel available so that real delivery partners can safely report any irregularities they are aware of.

Since the end of 2021, iFood has been holding recurring meetings with delivery partners platform to listen to your demands and understand what can further improve this relationship. The first event took place in December 2021, known as the 1st National Delivery Drivers Forum. Since then, five other regional meetings have taken place. The cities that have hosted the Voz dos Entregadores event so far have been Recife (PE), Fortaleza (CE), Ribeirão Preto (SP), Salvador (BA) and Sorocaba (SP).

“I felt like we were all heard. Today, I felt valued by iFood”, comments Ingrid da Silva, 24, an iFood partner for almost two years who was present at Voz dos Entregadors: Escuta Recife.

In addition to listening to delivery partners, the company has also expanded the listening process with neighborhood associations to exchange information and map opportunities for improvements to the platform. The objective is to create a joint work plan to benefit everyone with more security for delivery drivers, restaurants and customers who use technology.

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