Quick game: what is Pedal Responsa?

Discover iFood's education initiative for the safety of delivery people who use bicycles

iFood invests in education to reinforce traffic safety. And this applies to both delivery people who use motorcycles and those who deliver by bicycle.

So much so that, for those who make deliveries using an electric bike, the company has a specific initiative with tips and guidance for safe driving of this vehicle. And the Responsive Pedal; find out everything about it in the FAQ we have prepared below.

What is the Responsa Pedal?

It is a course with content in quick video lessons, aimed at the education and well-being of cyclists in traffic.

Those who take the course also receive a kit with a personalized bottle, cell phone holder and UV protection shirt.

The initiative was born in 2021 together with iFood Pedal, an iFood project to encourage the use of electric bikes as a means of delivery.

iFood Pedal makes it possible for delivery partners of iFood to rent bikes or electric bikes for prices ranging from R$ 7.90 to R$ 32 per week.

Who is Pedal Responsa for?

These video lessons are made available, via WhatsApp, to iFood partner delivery men and women, through the iFood Pedal project. Anyone who completes Pedal Responsa receives a certificate.

The choice of the WhatsApp application as a means of offering classes took into account the free nature of this medium, increasing the potential reach among cyclist delivery men and women.

What are the classes about?

This content covers how to use an electric bicycle safely, health care and tips for efficient and pleasant communication during delivery.

How many delivery people have already done Pedal Responsa?

Among delivery men and women who are part of iFood Pedal, membership to Pedal Responsa is 90%.

To date, around 23 thousand registered delivery men and women have already been certified by Pedal Responsa in the cities where iFood Pedal operates – Brasília, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and São Paulo.

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