iFood tip: do delivery people receive 100% of the amount given by users?

In 2022, around R$ 36 million additional was passed on to couriers; find out how the process works

When a user activates the iFood tip, a question may arise: does this amount go entirely to the delivery people?

Therefore, today we will answer this question and explain how iFood tips work.

Does the iFood tip go to the delivery person?

Who wants tip for the delivery man or woman who works on the iFood platform, you can do this directly through the app. And with the guarantee that they receive 100% of the value. 

In 2022, R$ 36 million in tips given until October were transferred by iFood. The average value was R$ 4.15.

How to tip on iFood?

In the app, the customer can tip at three different times: 

  1. Before finalizing the purchase
  2. While waiting for delivery
  3. After receiving the order  

The consumer will define the amount to pass on in full to the professional – iFood retains nothing. The delivery man or woman receives this money via bank transfer, along with the weekly payment for deliveries made.

Why does the option to tip iFood sometimes not appear?

The option is not available to delivery people who work directly for a store registered with iFood. It can only be given through the application to delivery men and women who work via platform from iFood.

So, do you want to know more about how tips work for iFood delivery people? Discover more details in the video below.

Read also: why is it necessary to give the delivery code to the delivery person?

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