French or full? Discover the most requested breads on iFood

Fresh or on the grill, the breads are a success in delivery: there are, on average, 140 units delivered every minute in 2022

The time when people most order bread on iFood is… at dinner time! Can Brazilian bakers finally start dreaming of a few more hours of sleep?

In truth no! 

This is because breakfast is the second time with the most orders for bread — one of the rare times, in fact, when this time of day is in second place in a category on iFood. And the oven works: in 2022, more than 17 million bread orders were made on the app. If we were to mark the clock, around 140 loaves of bread would be delivered every minute, on average, coming from the more than 6 thousand bakeries registered on iFood.

The favorite, of course, is French bread, also called bread, wheat bread, cacetinho, medium, loaf, salt bread, jacó, carioquinha, careca (check the table below to see which other types of bread are most ordered in delivery from iFood). Despite his name, he is very Brazilian. Its recipe was inspired by the French baguette, but it added a little sugar and fat to the dough before baking, as explained on the company's website. Galileo Magazine.

The leadership of French bread is no surprise, after all it is the fourth most consumed food in Brazil (only behind coffee, rice and beans), according to Family Budget Survey (POF) 2017/2018 from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics). 

Do you know how to identify a good bagel?

Bread is always on our table, but do you know how to identify the perfect one? A Brazilian Association of the Bakery and Confectionery Industry (Abip) lists the five characteristics that cannot be missing from a good bread, according to the technical standard for the standardization of production:

  1. The eyelash (the upper cut on the top of the bread) must be attached to the bread and be thin, regular and with prominent edges.
  2. The color of the bread should be golden yellow, slightly shiny.
  3. The bread should be crunchy, but not hard. When you press it, the food should return to its original shape.
  4. When touched, the bread must not crumble or become flat.
  5. The crumb must be white, without streaks, spots or holes.

Does the bread you bought look like this? So just grab the butter, cream cheese, cold cuts, jam and enjoy!

Source: iFood

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