Agile methodologies: discover the most used in companies

Created in the software industry, agile methodologies are increasingly present in different types of organizations. 

Based on autonomy, responsibility, transparency and collaboration, they are powerful allies for organizations seeking greater efficiency and results. 

Therefore, understand everything about agile methodologies, how they work, what the most important types are and how iFood works with agile methodologies. 

What are agile methodologies?

Agile methodologies – also called agile – are a set of methods and strategies used in the various stages of a project, such as products, apps, software and services. 

Thus, its objective is to simplify processes through the ability to quickly adapt to obtain competitive advantages. 

The principles of agile methodologies are: observe the workflow, make this flow transparent, measure it, look at the results and work collaboratively. 

Furthermore, the agile methodology is interactive (repetition that generates a sequence) and incremental (construction and division of the project into parts). 

In this way, they are accompanied by agile development, whose focus is the collaborative method, in which everyone involved in the project collaborates with each other. 

Origins of agile methodologies

Agile methodologies emerged within the software industry, when professionals observed that projects were going wrong because traditional methods were used. 

They realized that the creation of software could not be done with traditional methodology, such as that applied to civil construction projects, for example. 

O Agile Manifesto (Agile Manifesto, in English), a 2001 document signed by 17 professionals from the software industry, consolidated the foundations of agile methodologies. 

Therefore, the principles of the Manifesto will be based on 4 pillars, which are: 

  • Valuing individuals and interactions more than tools and processes; 
  • Working software should be a priority over written documents; 
  • Responding to changes in the project instead of strictly following the drawn up plan; 
  • Customer collaboration beyond what is in the contract. 

Differences between classical methodologies and agile methodologies

In the traditional methodology, the project development and implementation stages are carried out in a rigid, delimited and sequential manner, called the “waterfall” method. 

Widely used over the years, the traditional methodology revealed disadvantages that hampered projects, wasted resources and time and failed to communicate. 

Agile methodologies, in turn, emerge to overcome these difficulties and disadvantages of traditional methodologies, reducing delivery periods at each stage of the project. 

According to the Agile Methodologies Guide, Other advantages of agile methodologies over traditional methodologies are: 

  • Reduction of project complexity; 
  • Early delivery of steps for customer evaluation; 
  • Early fault detection; 
  • Improving communication and maximizing cooperation between project members; 
  • Establishment of a set of rules and management practices. 

Benefits of agile methodologies

There are many benefits of adopting this strategy for different types of businesses. Teams with more autonomy, faster deliveries and flexibility are some of them.  

According to the survey 15th State of Agile Report, 2021, the two main reasons why companies adopted the agile methodology were speed and flexibility. 

Other benefits are: 

  • Improve the ability to manage changes in what is a priority; 
  • Increase team productivity;
  • Increase visibility of projects;
  • Reduce risks; 
  • Increase team alignment;
  • Deliver a valuable business; 
  • Promote customer/user satisfaction. 

5 most used types of agile methodologies

There are some types of agile methodologies to apply to project management in order to optimize and make each stage more efficient. 

So, see below the 5 types most used in companies. 

  • Srcum: It is a framework for treating and resolving complex problems and within which it is possible to employ different techniques or processes. Its objective is to gather information and feedback on a project quickly and quickly. 
  • Kanban: consists of a tool used to visualize the progress of different stages of a project in order to improve quality and workflow. Let's divide the tasks into: to do, in progress and completed. 
  • Lean: method that identifies and eliminates waste such as improper and excessive processing, excess production, inventory and transportation, unnecessary movements, defects and rework, waiting and unused intellectual knowledge. 
  • Smart: it is based on five pillars: specific, the goal must be specific and objective; measurable (measurable), must be measured in numbers; attainable, goals must be achievable and challenging; relevant, goals must be relevant to the organization; time-related, there must be a deadline for delivering the project. 
  • XP – Extreme Programming: is a methodology based on five values: simplicity, communication, courage, respect and feedback. It is a type of agile methodology used for small teams to work quickly and efficiently. 

How to implement agile methodologies in business?

To implement agile methodologies, it is necessary to know what work structure the teams have, that is, which type of agile methodology fits the profile of that team. 

A next step is to identify how the organization manages people, that is, how people are promoted, who evaluates who and how professionals are valued. 

Finally, another point is to look at the organization's structural issues: how each team will receive its missions and what problems these teams will solve.

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