Arredondar: the new way to donate on the iFood app

New feature in the app allows you to round up the order value to make donations to your favorite cause on Giving Day

For those who want to make a donation, what matters is not the amount, but the act of generosity. This is the spirit of Donating Day, which takes place on November 29th. This year, iFood brings something new: anyone who places an order will be able to round up the amount when paying on the app and donate the difference to one of the causes supported by the company.

In partnership with the NGO Round Movement — application of the Growth methodology, implemented through consultancy —, iFood debuts a new function in the application, which will later remain available. At the end of orders that have a margin of R$ 0.50 to R$ 0.99 for the full amount, the consumer will have the option to donate the remaining amount.

An example: if the total order value is R$ 27.15, you can round it up to R$ 28. This extra R$ 0.85 cents will then be donated to social organizations.

The NGO specializes in raising micro-donations by rounding up change from purchases, raising more than R$ 10 million in cents since 2011. These resources support dozens of NGOs certified by the Arredondar Movement, which work on diverse causes, such as education, environment, health, animal protection, among others.

“We work with donating as an easy and accessible gesture, incorporated into the shopping routine,” says Camila Pasin, coordinator of the Brand Engagement and Communication area at Arredondar. “It’s something that becomes part of a person’s culture.”

How does the Arredondar Movement work?

Another concern of the NGO is to connect the donation to initiatives with which brands and people most identify, also to reinforce the naturalness of the attitude. “It’s important that everyone discovers their cause,” says Camila.

The Arredondar Movement strategy also signals the power of the collective in the practice of donation. “If everyone donates, even a little, it will be the sum that will make a difference”, emphasizes Sulamita Santana, coordinator of Institutional Communication at the NGO. “The culture of donation has a lot to grow in the country, and it gains a lot of strength when it is incorporated by a popular brand like iFood.”

Continuity is an aspect that also needs to be cultivated for a donation culture, recalls the coordinator. “Donating Day is symbolic in the sense of sending the message that it is an action to be practiced every day”, says Sulamita.

Find out more about the iFood and Arredondar partnership and the features in the app here.

What will be different on Giving Day?

On Donate Day, anyone who places an order in the app will be able to use this new functionality or choose alternative donations. make a donation at checkout or on your profile. The difference is that, on that day, iFood will double everything collected in donations.

Today, anyone who uses the app can make donations to help iFood's seven partner NGOs —Citizenship Action, Gastromotiva, Organic Solidarity, SOS Mata Atlântica, Generating Falcons, Central Única das Favelas (CUFA) It is All for Education— or collaborate in humanitarian aid campaigns such as those carried out to help people affected by the rains in Bahia, Petrópolis (RJ) and Maceió (AL).

On the 29th, iFood's focus will be to double donations, directing this amount to the cause of education. Those who donate will also be able to choose other supported initiatives, linked to the fight against hunger and socio-environmental issues.

Donating Day emerged in the United States in 2012, following famous commercial dates such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday. In Brazil, it was held for the first time in 2013. The following year, we officially became part of the global movement, which now covers 85 countries.

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