iFood raises R$ 2.45 million in donations for Rio Grande do Sul

Resources raised in the campaign carried out on the app were transferred to NGOs to distribute food, hygiene products and other essential items to people affected by the floods

Started on April 30, the emergency campaign carried out on the iFood app to receive donations from customers and help people affected by the floods in Rio Grande do Sul raised, in total, R$ 2.45 million.

These amounts, collected until June 23rd, were passed on to iFood partner NGOs for the purchase of food, drinking water, hygiene and cleaning products, medicines, oxygen cylinders, clothes, shoes, blankets and mattresses for families that were affected by the rains.

One of these NGOs is CUFA (Central Única das Favelas), which received the majority of the amount (R$ 2.28 million).  iFood also passed on donations received in the app to partners Ação da Cidadania (R$ 98.5 thousand), Voz das Comunidades (R$ 28 thousand) and Amigos do Bem (R$ 30.6 thousand).

Using the application, customers were able to choose the entity that would receive the donation, and the amount was allocated in full to the selected organization.

In 2023, CUFA received R$ 1.2 million in donations made through the iFood app. And, in the third quarter of last year, it had already embraced the mission of helping families who suffered losses due to the floods in Rio Grande do Sul.

In this campaign, the donations on the app reached R$ 72,680 and were donated to food cards for families in that region.

As a Brazilian company, iFood joins organizations and citizens who are mobilizing to provide immediate assistance to people who are in extremely vulnerable situations. And donations received are donated according to the needs of each project.

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