Bossa Summit: find out how the 1st day of the event for startups went

Innovation, unicorns and the post-pandemic world were some of the topics covered in the first talks at the meeting

The first day (6/4) of Bossa Summit, a meeting focused on innovation that connects entrepreneurs and investors, brought together 3,500 people and 220 startups in São Paulo (SP). The audience at the event — of which iFood is one of the sponsors — had the opportunity to see presentations by those who are creating the future and to explore new business and investment opportunities. networking.

On the five stages of the Bossa Summit, big names performed, such as Fred Santoro, head of startups in Amazon Web Services in Brazil, and Romero Rodrigues, partner at Headline and co-founder and former CEO of Buscapé. They talked about risky investments and highlighted that the Brazilian market has a lot of space for those who want to undertake and transform a startup in the next unicorn national.

In other talks of the day, guests spoke about the digital future, challenges in attracting investments, what the world will be like after the pandemic Covid-19, people development management and innovation.

One of these speakers was Camilla Gurgel, research and innovation manager at iFood. She talked about how startups climb to become unicorns, about innovation and the new ones modals used by iFood, such as drones, in addition to dealing with appointments of diversity and sustainability of the company.
Those who visited the event's stands were able to see a series of well-known companies and entities, such as Sebrae (Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Businesses) and AWS. But the news was in the spaces of startups from different areas, such as financial solutions (Cloudfox It is Parciom), culture (Music Pro), business management system (Octalink) and social impact (Apply, Woman!, which seeks to solve the problem of gender inequality within organizations through insertion of women in the business market).

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