Everyone at the Table Movement joins the Pact for 15% with Hunger

Coalition of companies against waste and food insecurity will now also donate food to the program

O All at the Table Movement, the first Brazilian coalition of companies and organizations to reduce hunger and food waste in Brazil, joined forces with the Pact for the Hungry 15%, program designed in July this year by the NGO Ação da Cidadania to tackle the food insecurity in the country.

Now, Todos à Mesa has made a new commitment: every 15th of the month, from September to December, partners will donate an additional amount of food to the Pact for 15% with Hunger, in addition to the 80 tons per month that are allocated on average to beneficiaries of the movement.

This movement, of which iFood is part, is made up of companies such as Bauducco, Camil, Carrefour, Connecting Food, Danone, Design de Conversa, DPA Brasil, Facily, Frexco, Lopes Supermercados, M. Dias Branco, Nestlé and PepsiCo. The latter recently joined Todos à Mesa and will allocate, through the PepsiCo Foundation, R$ 600 thousand to Gastromotiva, an institution that prepares and distributes lunch boxes through solidarity kitchens throughout Brazil and is part of the Pact.

“This partnership is essential for us to expand our work in the process of periodic food donations, a fundamental work to contribute and bring hope and opportunities to people who are in a situation of food insecurity. With the support of the Pact by 15% with Hunger, we were able to raise awareness and engage the population to join PepsiCo and be part of this movement that is so important for our country”, says Lívia Fávaro, corporate citizenship manager at PepsiCo Brazil. 

According to Rodrigo “Kiko” Afonso, executive director of Ação da Cidadania, the 15% Hunger Pact, created two months ago, has already brought food to the tables of 400,000 people. “The arrival of the Todos à Mesa project at the Pact will certainly help thousands of other families across the country. Hunger is unacceptable, but we will only be able to change this reality when society understands that the solution to this problem must come from all of us”, he explains.

The 15% Hunger Pact

Created by Ação da Cidadania, the 15% Hunger Pact promotes the idea that those who do not go hungry should be part of the solution to this problem. Therefore, the initiative asks companies, individuals and legal entities to actively contribute to the combat to hunger through financial donations, time, percentage of sales or products. 

“The problem of hunger persists in Brazil. There are still many people in vulnerable situations and it is the role of companies to contribute, however they can, to solving this issue”, adds André Borges, head of sustainability at iFood.

Since its launch in October 2021, Todos à Mesa has collected more than 4,800 tons of food, impacting around 1.9 million Brazilians. “Collaboration is the way to advance on agendas as important as food waste and the fight against hunger. These are fronts that are part of our regeneration journey and keep us convinced in strengthening movements like Todos à Mesa and contributing to making actions like the one destined for the Pact for 15% with Hunger possible”, says Bárbara Sapunar, director of communication and sustainability at Nestlé Brazil. 

Aligned with the 12th of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the alliance between Todos à Mesa and the Pact for 15% with Hunger is a solution that seeks more responsible consumption and production, reducing waste levels throughout the chains of production.

To learn more about the initiatives and find out how to contribute, visit www.15por15.org It is www.todosamesabrasil.com.br. To donate through the iFood app, simply access the “Profile” section, select the “Donations” option, choose which institution you want to benefit and define the amount that will be sent. 

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