Experts debate data driven culture live on iFood

Experts debate the data-driven culture live promoted by iFood; Here you will find a summary and an e-book to stay up to date on the subject.

Learn more about how companies use data analytics to make strategic decisions

Gone are the days when company managers made decisions based solely on their feelings. Experience and intuition are good tools, of course, but the results generated for the business can be much better with the use of available information about the market and consumers.

This strategy has a name: data driven, that is, decision-making based on data analysis and interpretation. And it is about this topic that two experts will speak on March 7th, in the live “Cultura Data Driven”, which will air at 8pm and will be broadcast on iFood News profile on Instagram.

The guests to share their experiences with data driven culture are Marcos Gurgel, innovation director at iFood, and Leandro Jardim, marketing director at the digital marketing agency Cortex.

In the warm-up for the live, here is a summary of the topic for everyone to stay up to date:

What is data driven?

This expression is used to define the processes that are data-driven, which are based on the collection and analysis of information about people's behavior (or big data).

Where does this apply?
Companies use data driven processes for different purposes, such as developing a new product or service that is in line with customer expectations, testing whether a new solution pleases the public or analyzing demographic data to identify threats and opportunities.

Are there professionals specialized in this?

Yes, in general they are data scientists, professionals who create statistics and scientific methods to organize complex information about consumer or market behavior and help companies find patterns and make decisions.

Want to know more about data driven culture? Download here, free of charge, the e-book “Data analysis in business: a step by step for a data driven culture in 2022” and follow the our live!

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