The day Gabriel Pensador became Gabriel COMPENSATOR

iFood sustainability campaign shows that every change in behavior in relation to the environment pays off

Any change in behavior is worth it when we are talking about caring for the environment. This is the motto of “Change Compensa”, iFood's sustainability campaign, launched this Monday (6/6) and starring Gabriel COMpensador. 

It wasn't a mistake! Brazilian rapper and composer Gabriel Pensador temporarily changed his name to reinforce the message that every change in habit and behavior that generates a positive impact on the environment is valid. 

Recycle or reuse what we consume (in fact, Did you know you can recycle clothes?), give preferences to means of transport non-polluting, contribute to the preservation of our biomes It is refuse or reduce the use of plastic These are examples of some changes in attitude that pay off, especially if we want to keep this planet habitable for the sake of our health and that of all other species. 

We all want it, right? 

The iFood changes that pay off

In March 2021, iFood changed and launched the iFood Regenerates, the plan for a positive impact on the environment that aims to eliminate plastic in delivery operations and be a neutral company in terms of CO2 emissions, all by 2025. 

To achieve these goals, the foodtech created initiatives that combine research, development, partnerships and a lot of technology. These are the actions that Gabriel COMpensador (or Pensador, whatever you want) will show on social media and you can find out more here.

Your order is compensated

Only those who order on iFood can say that their order has already had its CO2 emissions compensated. Since July 2021, all of the company's deliveries have been carbon neutral. A foodtech invested in the purchase of carbon credits and thus started contributing to a cleaner planet. 

Customers and partners (restaurants) can also join this circle by donating to the “Donate tree planting” action. All proceeds are destined for the NGO SOS Mata Atlântica to plant and care for a native tree for 5 years and thus regenerate the biome in which a large part of our population lives.

Your order has arrived…. in sustainable vehicles

Last week, iFood expanded the offer of sustainable vehicles in delivery when launching Electric motorcycle exclusively for partner delivery men and women and sponsor the arrival of electric bicycles for the shared bike service in São Paulo (which can be used by app delivery people). 

The iFood motorcycle, in addition to contributing to the reduction of air pollution, also helps with noise pollution (they are very quiet) and costs for those who make a living from delivery, as it is seven times more economical than the conventional model.

The motorcycle and electric bicycle join other non-polluting modes that iFood has tested in its operations such as scooters, drone and the ADA robot

Discarding disposables

At iFood, the customer can choose whether or not to receive single-use plastic cutlery with their order. Just choose, in the app, whether or not you want one of the 160,000 restaurants participating in this action to send the disposable. This small change has already prevented a thousand tons of plastic from ending up in the trash, or on the street, or in the river, or in the oceans. This entire weight is equivalent to 638 statues of Christ the Redeemer.

Speaking of single-use plastics, packaging also deserves attention. iFood already uses sustainable packaging in delivery and supports the XPrize in a competition to develop biodegradable, flexible and bio-based packaging.

Reducing single-use plastic items in deliveries is one of the phases of the commitment #PlasticFree, organized by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the NGO Oceana, of which iFood is a signatory. The other two phases of the agreement provide for the reduction of bags, plastic packaging and sachets and the adoption of returnable and/or reusable packaging in delivery. 

Recycle more…

Sometimes there is doubt about whether an object is recyclable or where to take that special trash. For this, you can also count on iFood, which invests in the implementation of Voluntary Delivery Points and makes the Recycle Bot, which helps you in your mission to separate waste.

…but if you can’t recycle it, reuse it
iFood has a project that gives new life to those bags which are already at the end of their useful life. O I've Been Bag transforms used backpacks into new products, generates income and prevents these items from ending up in landfills. So far, 124 tons of bags have already been recovered.

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