The positive impact of iFood recyclable collection points

Voluntary Waste Delivery Points not only help with recycling but can also generate money for those who collaborate

In October, the city of São Paulo gained new Voluntary Delivery Points (PEVs), where people can dispose of waste that is recyclable. In partnership with the Collecting, iFood opened two more PEVS in the capital of São Paulo - in Paraisópolis, in Jardim Colombo, and in Favela da Felicidade, in Jardim Ibirapuera - totaling nine collection points in partnership with the circular economy company. 

Voluntary Delivery Points are a way of selective collect, and its implementation is part of the iFood's public commitment to end plastic pollution from delivery until 2025. In addition to the partnership with Coletando in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, the company maintains other partnerships in both cities and in Salvador (BA). Together, these initiatives total more than 80 stations that have already recycled more than 5 thousand tons of waste from June 2021 to date.

Collection points are generally located close to residential areas. There, people can deposit recyclable waste, which will be sent for recycling or disposed of correctly.

The opening of the stations, made with a recycled 100% plastic structure, will impact the more than 22 thousand inhabitants of these two communities. To use PEVs, residents simply separate and wash recyclable waste at home and take it to the Ecoponto. When delivering the material, each resident is registered on the Coletando app and receives a debit card in their name. Using this card, they begin to receive payment for waste discarded at collection points. The benefit is available to both residents and recyclable material collectors. 

Since 2021, iFood's partnership with Coletando has already brought 9 Ecopontos to the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Check out, below, the positive impact that this initiative has already brought to people and the environment:

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