iFood action for Sex Education distributed 10 thousand free cupcakes across Brazil

iFood's action for Sex Education happened mainly because iFood It is Netflix they are the perfect pair. 

But one question, who has never ordered a snack to enjoy their favorite series? So, with this in mind, a partnership was born that gave a very special gift to fans of the most watched series in 2020 on the streaming platform: Sex Education.

Check out:

How did the iFood action for the Sex Education series happen?

Firstly, the iFood action to Sex Education It happened during the 3rd season of the series, in one of the episodes the theme is the diversity of bodies and vulvas. 

Aimee, one of the characters, has the idea of selling cupcakes to represent the different types of pepeka that exist.

By using this link with the series, Netflix will make available, on September 27th, 10 thousand units of pepeka cupcakes to send to iFood users. All free for fans of the series. The kits consisted of 4 units each and were distributed in São Paulo, Fortaleza, Maceió, Belém and Porto Alegre.

The most watched series in 2020, Sex Education had more than 40 million viewers in the first month of the 2nd season's release. The episodes follow the life of Otis Milburn, a young man who has to deal with all the conflicts of adolescence, all presented in a light and humorous way.

Watch the recipe video and make it at home:

Don't forget to buy products from iFood Mercado.

Don't forget to buy products from iFood Mercado.

In addition to Netflix, iFood was also at Rock in Rio, check out what happened

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