7 foods and drinks that contain cocoa (and are not chocolate!)

Discover some foods made with this ingredient — and which you can order on iFood

Long before there was chocolate, cocoa was already consumed by the indigenous people of South America. The Mayans and Aztecs used the powder made from the fruit paste to flavor their food and to drink their xocoatl. Cocoa residues on ceramics found in Ecuador suggest that it was already consumed in the region 5,000 years ago —and from there it spread throughout the Amazon region.

When the Spanish arrived in America, they adapted the recipe and added sugar and spices to please the taste of the European public, who found cocoa bitter. From there it was a quick leap for it to become the main ingredient in the chocolate we know today.

But who said that cocoa is only used to make chocolate? Here are some examples of seven foods and drinks that you can find on iFood and that are made with cocoa (have you tried any of them?).

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