iFood Day: customers visit the company and give feedback about the app

Find out about this special event that celebrates Customer Day with lots of history and listening

The team of Customer Experience iFood prepared a very special event to celebrate Customer Day, celebrated on September 15th. 

A group of members of the iFood Customer Community were invited to spend a day at the company's headquarters, in Osasco (SP), in iFood Day.

At iFood, the Customer Community is a group that seeks to generate an emotional connection and an approximation with the brand. 

These customers also help the company to always improve the application by participating in tests and feedback moments. 

How was iFood Day?

To begin with, there was a workshop with the Education, Environment and Inclusion team, an area with initiatives to generate a positive impact on the planet and society.

Afterwards, customers took a tour of the iFood office and had the opportunity to truly immerse themselves in the company's culture and history. 

They visited iconic spaces at the headquarters, such as the food museum and the urban garden which produces an average of 2 tons of food per month that is donated to the Osasco food bank.

Speak up, customer!

There was also “Talk, Customer”, a time to understand the pains and needs with a listening activity

iFood employees (or FoodLovers) were invited to listen to the stories and feedback from the customers present to understand how to increasingly improve the experience with iFood.

In the end, these customers enjoyed a happy hour and received treats and gifts that reinforce how important they are to iFood.

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