Most consumers prioritize those who use sustainable packaging

Those who order delivery approve of restaurants that use “green” packaging, according to research carried out by Opinion Box for iFood

When ordering food for delivery, Brazilians are concerned not only with the quality of the ingredients, but also with the impact on the environment. So much so that the majority (56%) prefer restaurants that use sustainable packaging to send the food, reveals research carried out by the Opinion Box institute.

Furthermore, 76% of those interviewed consider it important that packaging has a sustainability seal. The research also shows that paper is the champion in the perception of sustainability: 54% indicated this material as the most sustainable.

The objective of this survey was to assess how important people who usually order food at home are to sustainable packaging. 

The survey was carried out online with 1,112 people who placed at least one delivery food order in the 30 days prior to data collection, which took place between March 8 and 17, 2023.

Change of habit

The research also showed that consumers are willing to change their pockets and change habits in the name of packaging sustainability.

Among those interviewed, 60% stated that they would pay 2 reais more to receive their delivery orders in sustainable packaging.

On the other hand, 28% said that they have already stopped being customers of a restaurant because it uses packaging that is harmful to the environment. In fact, the material most rejected by the people consulted is aluminum.

By the way, in the view of 52% of the consumers interviewed, restaurants are responsible for starting the movement to use sustainable packaging.

People are also paying attention to the functionality of packaging. For 94% reviewers, their most important feature must be the seal. The ease with which packaging is discarded is a differentiator for 8 out of 10 consumers.

Sustainable packaging at iFood

iFood has been investing in the development of sustainable packaging for deliveries, as it has the goal of reducing plastic use in delivery until 2025.

In 2023, the distribution of packaging made from corn straw, in partnership with the startup growPack, and biodegradable paper packaging for the hamburger, produced by Klabin.

“We are using our technology to create new packaging solutions tested and approved by us, guaranteeing safe use and an excellent experience for the end customer and a lower cost for the restaurant”, highlights Gustavo Vitti, vice president of People and Sustainability at iFood .

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