#QuartadoBem starts with award for sustainable innovation

iFood Pedal, a bike-sharing program for delivery people, is awarded at the UN — there's good news here!

In this #QuartadoBem, iFood accelerates in the good news (but safely, because this is National Traffic Week).

Yesterday, the iFood Pedal —bike sharing program for delivery people created in 2020— won the award for best sustainability project at a UN event in New York!

Switching to the education track, check out more than 50 thousand scholarships offered for those who want to study programming (including a course just for women).

There is also a donation campaign to help delivery drivers, stores and people affected by the cyclones in the South and tips for driving safely — come with us in this #QuartadoBem!

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iFood Pedal wins UN award

This Tuesday (September 19), iFood Pedal took home the award for Best Sustainability Project at the United Nations Global Compact Summit with iFood Pedal, in New York.

The bike sharing program for delivery people was presented at the event, where iFood, representing Brazil, presented its idea of innovation with sustainable impact alongside 12 other countries.

iFood Pedal was the only Latin American initiative chosen globally to be shared. Launched in 2020, iFood Pedal has 5,500 active couriers and has already avoided the emission of 40 thousand tons of CO2 in the atmosphere with an average of 1 million orders delivered per month with bikes.

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50 thousand scholarships to learn programming

If you are thinking about pursuing a career in programming, now is the time. iFood is open for registration for the Potência Tech iFood Bootcamp.

There are 50,000 scholarships offered in partnership with DIO for two tracks: programming from scratch and game development — mainly for people in situations of socioeconomic vulnerability or diversity groups.  

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And there are more exclusive bags for women!

Registration is also open for 250 scholarships for the web programming course for beginners, offered by WomakersCode for women. There will be five weeks of classes with some mentoring sessions.

Registration is open until October 3rd; To participate, you must be 15 years old or over, have completed primary education, have access to a computer, notebook or tablet and internet connection.

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All together to help the South

iFood is helping stores and delivery people in the regions affected by the cyclones in the South by advancing transfers to these partners. And you can also help: an emergency donation campaign for the NGOs CUFA and Ação da Cidadania is active on the app.

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Here's a tip for safer traffic

As this is National Traffic Week, take these tips from delivery men and women for traffic safety:

  • Don't drive at the speed limit of life
  • At intersections, do not stop at the edge of the lane
  • In the rain, reduce speed and pay extra attention
  • On the bike, keep your hand on the brake to apply it when you need it.

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