Impact Report: iFood advances gender equality

Find out how the company is moving towards achieving its commitment to having more women in leadership

How many women in leadership positions do you know? Gender equality is so important, in society and in the world of work, that it is the fifth of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN), a global action to ensure human rights and protect the environment. 

In line with this goal, iFood made the commitment to increase the number of women in leadership positions in the company to 50%, in addition to expanding the number of women in senior management positions to 35% by the end of 2023 (see more in the table at the end of the text).

In the last two years, progress has already been made: percentage of women in leadership went from 20% to 45.1%, and the number of women in senior leadership went from around 10% to 31.8%, thanks to education and awareness efforts and the ambassador leaders on the topic, who sought to hire and develop women in their teams.

In your Impact Report, iFood shows how this inclusion advanced in 2021. See below the summary of performance on the issue of gender equality and access the full document to find out more.

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