How to avoid another scam on the iFood app

Fake iFood profiles on social media ask for customer data to access their accounts on the app. Find out how to protect yourself

Fraudsters are using a new scam to invade customer accounts. iFood. The bait is to send a private message through social networks, announcing an “unmissable” promotion or gift — for example, a R$ 100 coupon to spend on the app — or offering support to those who reported a problem on their iFood profiles. The problem is that whoever sends this message is a fake profile, pretending to be the foodtech.

Next, the fraudsters ask for the customer's email or phone number and also the confirmation code that iFood sends via SMS, WhatsApp or email (this procedure is done to confirm that the person trying to access the account is the/ its owner). The scammer claims that the objective is to “validate” the supposed promotion or complete the support.

In reality, what happens is that the fraudster needs the confirmation code — which works like a password, which can only be used once, to log into iFood customer accounts. As he does not have access to this single-use code to enter the profile, he asks the customer for the confirmation code that iFood sends.

“It is important to highlight that iFood will never ask customers for this confirmation code, not even in the case of promotions”, reinforces Mariana Mocelin de Brito, product manager and customer account specialist at iFood. “Therefore, the recommendation is to never pass this confirmation code to other people.”

When fraudsters manage to access customer accounts, they use benefits, such as wallet balance, iFood Card, iFood Benefits and coupons, in addition to using the account to validate cloned cards or make purchases with third-party cards.

Keep an eye on notifications

To protect consumers, in the event of suspicious behavior, a notification is triggered. “When someone accesses their account from another device, customers immediately receive a push notification on their cell phone and email. Anyone who has these notifications active on the app receives instant warning of the scam”, adds Mariana — see the infographic below on how to activate them.

Did you fall for the scam? Know what to do

When you receive this notification or notice the misuse of your money or a strange purchase in the app, contact the iFood customer service team through the in-app chat and disconnect, in the app itself, the devices you are not familiar with.

To do this, go to “Profile” in the app, then “Security” and “Connected devices” and click “Disconnect” to disable the unknown device. This will be disconnected immediately.

Check out below how to recognize the scam, how to protect yourself from it and what to do if you realize that someone has improperly accessed your account.

How to detect (and avoid) scams on social media

How is the scam

1. The customer receives a private message, on their social networks, from a fake profile pretending to be that of iFood.
2. The fraudster offers support to resolve an issue in the app or says that the customer won an “unmissable” promotion or gift (such as a high-value coupon) and asks for their phone number or email.
3. Next, the fraudster asks for the access confirmation code that was sent by the official iFood via SMS, WhatsApp or E-mail to “validate” the false promotion.
4 . The fraudster uses this code to enter the customer's account and use benefits such as wallet balance, iFood card, iFood Benefits and coupons or carry out fraud such as validating cloned cards or making purchases with third-party cards

How to avoid?

Never share the confirmation code
iFood never asks customers for an access confirmation code. This code (OTP) works like a one-time password and is only requested when the customer logs in.

Turn on (and read) notifications
When someone accesses your account using a device other than the one registered, iFood notifies you through a push notification on your cell phone and an email message. Therefore, if you have disabled app notifications, re-enable them to stay safe.

Step by step to activate notifications
1. On your cell phone: go to “Settings”
2. Then, click on “Notifications” to release notifications from the iFood app
3. In the app: go to “Profile”, then “Settings” and “Manage notifications” and release notifications

What if I fall for the scam?

Seek iFood service
If you notice that someone may be using your account inappropriately, contact iFood. Check it step by step:
1. On the “Profile” button, click on “Help”.
2. In “Categories”, click on the “Account” option
3. Next, click on “My account was hacked” so that the support team can take the necessary action.

Unsubscribe the fraudster's phone
If you have already given the code to someone or are suspicious of a purchase you didn't make, follow this path:
1. Go to “Profile” in the app
2. Click on “Security”
3. Select “Connected devices”. If you don't recognize any of them, click “Disconnect” and the device will be disconnected immediately.

Source: Mariana Mocelin de Brito, product manager specializing in customer accounts at iFood

Find out more about the machine scam.

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