Why does iFood invest in the education of delivery people?

Discover the initiatives that support the studies of delivery men and women from primary school to college

In 2024, iFood is preparing to open the third class of My High School Diploma, one of its initiatives to educate delivery men and women registered on the platform. The program offers scholarships for them to study for the Encceja test (National Examination for Certification of Competence for Young People and Adults), which entitles them to a high school completion certificate.

Those who participate in My High School Diploma —held in partnership with the edtech Termine Seu Estudos— receive tutoring, watch live and recorded classes and have support via WhatsApp in preparation for the test. 

In the first edition, in 2022, 950 delivery men and women were approved at Encceja and received their high school completion certificates. On February 27th, iFood celebrates the graduation of the class of 2023 — which had 5,264 approved.

Between one year and the next, the number of delivery men and women trained with the help of My High School Diploma grew five times. And in 2024 the class should increase, as the program will be extended to restaurant owners and employees who are on iFood.

But why does iFood invest in the education of delivery people?

iFood believes that education is the path to creating a more prosperous and fair country — especially by offering people more opportunities, including social mobility. And one way to achieve this is to invest in the education of delivery men and women.

“With the education programs, iFood opens doors for delivery men and women to grow personally and professionally, so that dreams take off and these people have different career opportunities and broad future perspectives”, says Luana Ozemela, vice-president of Social Impact at iFood.

“Education has the power to change society, create opportunities and build a more equal future for everyone. Finishing high school opens up new possibilities for delivery drivers and also brings a feeling of dignity and pride”, adds the executive. 

What educational opportunities does iFood offer?

iFood structured an educational journey for delivery drivers to support the trajectory of those who want to dedicate themselves to studies to make their dreams come true. 

“In addition to offering the opportunity to complete basic education, with My High School Diploma, iFood offers training programs through Takes off”, says Fernando Martins, director of Social Impact at iFood.

Understand more about importance of technology in education.

At Decola, couriers have access to free courses that range from how to prepare to make deliveries and tips to increase their earnings to learning new skills (such as financial education, how to be a content creator and even taking the first steps in English).

To date, more than 120,000 people have signed up for the 70 courses available on Decola — and more than 60,000 completion certificates have been issued.

Delivery men and women who are interested in technology can also take free courses at Potência Tech. In 2023, iFood formed the first back-end development class dedicated exclusively to delivery people.

And anyone who wants to go to college also has support from iFood. Delivery men and women can receive a scholarship of up to 80% to take courses at Faculdade das Américas (FAM).

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