Grocery shopping list: understand how to organize yours

Here we explain how to make a complete shopping list — and even give tips on how to save money when shopping.

Shopping is a common task in the Brazilian routine: whether weekly or daily, for that special dinner or barbecue with friends, we prepare the supermarket shopping list and look for the items that are missing from the fridge.

With the rush of everyday life, it is normal for us to end up forgetting one ingredient or another, or cleaning and hygiene products, and trips to the market end up becoming more frequent — which is a problem that mainly affects our pockets. !

The truth is that making purchases without organization ends up becoming a real challenge and, for the account to close in positive at the end of the month and also avoid food waste, it is much simpler to have a list always on hand to guide you when shopping.

But how do you make a complete grocery list?

iFood always helps you when it comes to the market — and today, we've put together a quick guide on how to make a really efficient shopping list.

Follow below to find out what you can't miss on your shopping list, how to plan well, and some valuable tips for saving money when shopping.

Good reading!

Read too:

How to plan market purchases?

saiba o que colocar na lista de supermercado

As with many other activities in our routine, going to market requires planning: it is the cornerstone for saving money, time and avoiding waste in the kitchen.

Before making your grocery shopping list, the first step is Check what you already have at home. This avoids purchasing duplicate or unnecessary items.

It is also interesting to define a spending limit for purchases, which helps you prioritize what’s essential and controls costs so you don’t go over budget.

If you are on the team that cooks at home every day and likes to plan your meals, create a weekly menu It makes it easier to buy the necessary ingredients and food, making the week's market more objective.

Based on this “inventory” of what you have at home plus your family’s needs, you can make a detailed list of everything you need to buy at the market — without so much extra expense!

What items can't be missing from your grocery shopping list?

Each household has different eating habits and routines, which determine what they need to buy at the supermarket for meals throughout the day.

Families with children know that snacks for school cannot be missing from the cupboard, just as anyone who is active in physical activities cannot be without proteins, grains and cereals — their routine is what tells them what cannot be missing from the shopping list. !

However, Brazilians agree on some basic kitchen items that are always present in the main meals of the day; We have separated below what you will probably include on your shopping list according to each meal. Here are the top items for your list:

Lista de supermercado com itens essenciais para compra

Breakfast shopping list

The first meal of the day is essential to start your routine well and ensure a healthy nutritious and varied diet: After a long period of fasting overnight, breakfast helps provide the energy needed to start the day. 

Furthermore, breakfast can be an opportunity to incorporate healthy foods into your diet, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. 

Starting the morning with a nutritious meal sets a healthy template for the rest of the day!

Check out what you can't miss on your breakfast shopping list:

  • bread;
  • milk;
  • coffee;
  • eggs;
  • cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • cereals;
  • butter;
  • honey and jam;
  • lean ham or turkey breast;
  • fresh fruits, such as bananas and apples.

It's worth remembering that breakfast can vary according to cultural and individual preferences, and our list only serves as a general basis: each person can customize it according to their specific needs and nutritional goals.

Lunch shopping list

In the middle of the day, everyone takes a well-deserved break from work and studies to have lunch — and here, a nutritious and balanced meal provides the energy necessary to maintain activities throughout the day.

Did you know that this is especially important for maintaining adequate blood glucose levels and avoiding fatigue?

A balanced lunch should contain a variety of essential nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.

These are items that will help you have a very complete grocery shopping list for lunch:

  • juices;
  • various sauces and seasonings;
  • green leaves like lettuce and arugula;
  • vegetables such as carrots, zucchini and onions;
  • proteins such as chicken, fish and beef;
  • legumes such as beans, chickpeas and lentils;
  • vegetable proteins such as tofu for those who are vegetarian;
  • grains and carbohydrates, such as rice, pasta and potatoes.

Add or remove items from this list according to your family's preferences to ensure a delicious, nutritious and complete meal!

Dinner shopping list

o que não pode faltar na lista de compras?

After a day full of activities that tire the body and mind, dinner is the dose of energy needed to keep the body full and prepare for rest at the end of the day.

In fact, consuming an adequate meal for dinner allows the body to have enough time to digest food before bed, avoiding gastrointestinal discomfort and promoting more efficient digestion.

For a good dinner, the list may contain items such as:

  • legumes such as beans and chickpeas;
  • pasta, rice, quinoa and other carbohydrates;
  • vegetables and legumes such as peppers, potatoes and eggplant;
  • olive oil, salt, parsley, black pepper and other seasonings;
  • various proteins (beef, chicken breast, tilapia);
  • light desserts such as yogurt, gelatin and fruit.

Dinner is also the official meal for welcoming friends and family at home and sharing that special moment in the kitchen; when this is the event, it is worth including drinks such as wines It is juices, in addition to items for salads It is side dishes.

Personal hygiene shopping list

A good personal hygiene routine is essential for health and well-being — and, to ensure that you don't run out of hygiene items at home, check out what can't be left out of an impeccable personal hygiene shopping list that meets your needs. your needs and guarantee you quality products.

  • soap;
  • absorbents;
  • deodorant;
  • toilet paper;
  • Toothbrush;
  • toothpaste and dental floss;
  • shampoo and conditioner;
  • shaving cream and other beard items.

Shopping list to keep the house clean

Keeping your home clean should also be included on your grocery shopping list!

To keep your home always clean and smelling good, check out some essential items to put on your list:

  • detergent;
  • disinfectant;
  • stain remover;
  • trash bags;
  • multipurpose cleaner;
  • sponges and cloths;
  • room deodorizer.

Always remember to store products in an accessible place, but out of reach of children and pets.

Also, choose biodegradable cleaning products that are free from chemicals that are harmful to the environment and health.

5 tips for saving money on your grocery shopping list

Perhaps the most challenging part of grocery shopping is keeping everything within your budget for the week or month.

The shopping list helps the consumer have greater control over their spending: by defining in advance which items are necessary, the consumer is less likely to impulsively buy non-essential items, which results in saving money.

To help you save money when shopping, we’ve also put together some essential tips:

1. Don't market hungry

When we're hungry, we tend to make more impulsive decisions when it comes to shopping, and this can lead to purchasing unplanned, generally less healthy foods — and spending more than necessary.

It is best to shop after a meal, such as breakfast or lunch, which will contribute to more conscious decision-making.

2. Follow the complete shopping list

One list complete allows you to focus on the essential items you really need, avoiding distractions with unnecessary products that can increase the final value of your purchase.

This is the main benefit of organizing in advance before going to the market: with a list of all the items, you can avoid buying in excess, especially perishable products, which can spoil more quickly if they are not consumed in time.

3. Buy on the days you really need it

More frequent shopping often leads to over-purchasing, which can result in food not being consumed on time and, consequently, in waste of food

By only shopping when necessary, you reduce this waste, helping your wallet and the planet as well.

Also, by limiting your trips to the supermarket to the days when you really need them, you reduce exposure to impulsive shopping temptations and unplanned products, helping you maintain a greater focus on the essential items on your shopping list.

4. Compare prices

Comparing prices allows you to identify the best offers and promotions available on the market; This helps you save money by choosing products of similar quality but at lower prices.

Doing this by going from market to market is really unfeasible: that's why, with iFood Mercado, you can compare prices from different supermarkets in your region without needing to leave home — and take advantage of the best offers!

Furthermore, by analyzing the prices of different brands and packaging, you can choose more economical options that meet your needs. 

This is especially useful for basic, frequently used items where small savings can accumulate over time.

5. Save with the iFood Shopping List

If the market offers promotions and discounts, it is synonymous with financial savings! 

When buying products on sale, you pay less for essential items, which helps to reduce your total expenses at the supermarket.

Promotions and discounts are ideal opportunities to stock up on essential items like non-perishable food, cleaning products and toiletries, ensuring you have enough supplies at home without spending more than necessary.

iFood Mercado helps you with this: app guarantees coupons in the most varied markets in your city and even has curbside delivery in many of them!

Furthermore, you can take advantage of the iFood Shopping List in the “market” section of your app: select the products you order most frequently and we will show you the best places to buy and save.

Take a look at how to use the iFood Shopping List here in our tutorial:

Wondering what's missing in the fridge to make that delicious dinner? Order one supermarket delivery via iFood and guarantee the best discounts!

iFood is the most loved grocery delivery in Brazil!

Planning your grocery shopping list is a very efficient way to save time, money and avoid waste!

With a well-prepared shopping list, you will be able to do your shopping more efficiently and optimize your eating routine. 

Always remember to adapt your list according to your preferences and your family's specific needs. 

With planning and organization, market time will be much more organized and productive!

Oh, and you don't even have to leave the house to stock the cupboards and refrigerator: ask iFood Market in your favorite supermarkets with the best prices! It's easy, cheap and full of options for your home.

For more content like this, visit iFood News and always stay up to date with our content.

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