The results of iFood actions for delivery people in 2023

Find out the scope of initiatives such as offering support points and courses for these professionals

Did you know that, among iFood's actions for delivery men and women, there is help with completing studies and discounts on health care and offer of free insurance against personal accidents?

These are some of the company's various initiatives to appreciation of delivery people and delivery women, who are essential to the our ecosystem.

In day-to-day deliveries, they can count, for example, on support points offered to recharge batteries while working. 

And also with the Delivery of Advantages, which offers health care, accident insurance and discounts on products and services — from the pharmacy to motorcycle maintenance.

iFood also supports delivery driver education journey with special programs that help these professionals finish high school and provide scholarships for training courses and even higher education.

Check out the main results of iFood's actions for delivery drivers in 2023 below.


What is My High School Diploma?

It is a program dedicated to helping delivery men and women complete their studies. To this end, iFood provides scholarships for delivery drivers to take the preparatory course for the Encceja (National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults), the test that provides a certificate of completion of secondary education.

In 2022, 950 delivery drivers received the certificate in the first class of My High School Diploma. And the number skyrocketed in 2023: 5,264 delivery men and women were approved by Encceja.

What is iFood Decola?

O Takes off for Deliverers is a platform that offers free courses that delivery drivers can take through the app. The classes cover a variety of topics, ranging from how to increase your earning potential and make deliveries safely in traffic to learning new skills, such as communication, entrepreneurship and English.

What is Advantage Delivery?

Another of iFood's actions for delivery people is the Delivery of Advantages, launched in 2019. It is a program that offers discounts on services and products for delivery men and women who work on the platform, in addition to health assistance, personal accident insurance and support points. 

What are support points?

These are spaces for the delivery man or woman to take a break and rest during deliveries. They can be located in iFood partner restaurants, in delivery hubs or in public spaces.

At support points in restaurants, delivery people can drink water and go to the bathroom. In public areas, you can also recharge your cell phone, heat your food in the microwave and rest.

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